all things come to those who queue…

Thursday, July 3rd, 2014

Or at least they certainly did to me, after a scant five hours patiently waiting in a bright and not-too-grubby corner of Soho last Saturday morning for the clock to strike ten am and this years’ FrightFest weekend passes to go on sale, whereupon I scooped up a top drawer seat in the centre of […]

happy easter!

Sunday, April 20th, 2014

And a restful, roast-lamb-and-chocolate-egg-filled weekend to all (well me, at least). And Ben-Hur is even on tomorrow afternoon – who would have ever suspected? It’s now a full week since I arrived home safely from Douglas (and the relief of touching down on my joint-favourite little island in the first place was not only palpable […]

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