i come from the land of the ice and snow…

Sunday, December 12th, 2010

Having spent most of yesterday with one finger poised over the Refresh button on the updates page of the East Coast trains website, I am again posting from my corner of the (thankfully none too populous) 10:32 to London Kings Cross having determinedly leapt up early to finish bleary-eyed packing and feed fishes, before setting […]

well, the weather outside is (still) frightful…

Tuesday, December 7th, 2010

And a fine weekend was had by all, well me at least, having braved the not-actually-all-that-bad conditions in woollies and wellies to meet a good friend who was visiting York (which was unutterably damp, sludgy and freezing, and made the sharp, crisp chill and fresh, powdery snow upon my return to Scarborough feel like the […]

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