back on the road again!

Monday, January 31st, 2011

Well a week on and I can confidently say that I am fighting fit and more than ready to well, roll, (as it were) and after a handful of fun and lively meetings over the past couple of days I am very happy to be diligently handwashing, mending, decanting (my favourite part, the soothing effects […]

well, the weather outside is (still) frightful…

Tuesday, December 7th, 2010

And a fine weekend was had by all, well me at least, having braved the not-actually-all-that-bad conditions in woollies and wellies to meet a good friend who was visiting York (which was unutterably damp, sludgy and freezing, and made the sharp, crisp chill and fresh, powdery snow upon my return to Scarborough feel like the […]

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