home (which was nice) and away…

Sunday, October 14th, 2012

So finally an ordinary(ish) week; peace, tranquillity and charming punters aplenty arriving from far and wide. Well, the Midlands, South Yorkshire and the Dales, anyway (wherever that is; being one of those parts of the country not easily accessible to non-drivers, I can only speculate). To the gentleman who appeared bearing not only my very […]

back! and off again…

Sunday, February 26th, 2012

And I’m back! After spending the last three days being fed, fussed, dry-flotated (?) and otherwise mollycoddled to a heinous degree (and even learning new and useful skills; hula hoop fitness class anybody?) I can happily report that I’m looking forward to a lively few weeks… I have had a special bamboo massage plus a […]

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