hell hath no fury…

Saturday, October 16th, 2010

As much as I dislike negativity and genuinely hate to rant, vent, whinge or whatever (and all joking aside, I really do) I just cannot avoid saying that this last week I have been astonished, to the point of speechlessness, by the telephone callers. Absolutely dumbstruck. Not the emailers, all of whom (AW excepted, needless […]

notes from a (very) small island…

Thursday, October 7th, 2010

I’m back! That is, back having this afternoon safely returned from my (all too brief) jolly to lovely St Helier, and after a faintly shaky start aided by a 5am alarm, the usual AW timewasters, torrential rain and one lone visitor who inexplicably arrived smelling like a farm animal (but unfortunately lacking any of the […]

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