52 in ’25!

By amy ~ January 21st, 2025 @ 10:33 pm

It’s been an unexpectedly busy start to the year (and two weeks off does nothing to sharpen anybody’s work ethic, it has to be said), but the new year has been and gone, things have settled down nicely and just in time for my birthday!

I’m keeping it brief, but in a slight change of plan the only available days this week will be Thursday, Friday and Saturday, since I’ll be in anyway; I have exciting birthday plans tomorrow including trips to IKEA, the Natural History Museum and (predictably) the Prince Charles Cinema, plus a hot bath and some cheesecake. Gentle R&R is required, so the phone will be off until Thursday morning – yay!

The evenings are gradually getting lighter, the cold snap of the other week seems to be gone for good and Spring will be here in no time; unbelievably, a full year has passed since the move fifteen minutes north! It was a good move in the end, leaving aside the two weeks of cleaning to make the place habitable, plus building work and having to start all over again to compose a directions text that be understood and successfully acted upon by all who receive it. I’m still working on the last part.

For Song Of The Week we’re going trad. Happy birthday to me and roll on 2025!

Proper update soon! Watch this space…

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1 Response to 52 in ’25!

  1. P Casey

    Happy birthday- which film at PC and any good?



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