touchdown in london town…
I started this update on Monday from the 0834 to London Kings Cross after a weekend visit home, mostly to pick up more necessities and at least partly to remind myself that other parts of the country are available (and that includes my immediate vicinity in EC3, as I’d barely left it all week prior to Friday evening apart from a much needed trip to the hairdressers). It’s been a busy few days!
After settling in nicely despite weather warnings, disappearing hot water drama (I fixed it in the end) and many, many trips to Argos I have spent a fair proportion of the last couple of weeks comfortably ensconced in my new city pad doing absolutely nothing, a situation which suits me perfectly! I did find time to nip over to the BFI to see Parasite (I recommend everybody else does too), and I also caught a bit of Rachmaninoff at the Royal Festival Hall on Monday night which was delightful, at least until my grocery delivery driver – booked for the 10.30pm slot in an attempt to be time efficient and also in a panic at the thought of not having the wherewithal to make pancakes yesterday – starting the relentless calling (via my watch, of all things) to see I was going to be home any earlier. I wasn’t.
(Some) new pictures are finally up – yay! Given that I’ve been promising more for ages and they’re a little overdue (plus unashamedly padded out with, er, natural-type selfies) I will definitely be trying to keep them coming on a more regular basis now that things are settling down a bit and also since the forecast seems to be on the turn; it was snowing in Scarborough when I left. I’m still a bit thin on things to wear, as we can see.
The coming weekend brings the Kings Cross station closure and I will thus be here in the City for the duration! Sundays are – as ever – hallowed ground meant only for sleeping in/giant breakfast and a stumble down to the Tate with Borough Market on the way back, with a morning run thrown in just for the joy of seeing the empty streets. I will be here in my cosy flat until teatime on Friday 6th before heading north for the weekend, so plenty of time and space for all; I have a few plans of my own for the downtime too (so far centred mostly around the Prince Charles cinema) and I’m working on more, weather permitting.
It’s definitely time I headed a few storeys up for a better look at my near neighbour the Walkie Talkie, of which I have become extremely fond over the last couple of weeks (in no small part because nobody else seems to like it – poor Walkie Talkie!) and which is providing me with a focal point for getting back every time I head somewhere unfamiliar. I have also yet to go up to the top of the Monument itself which seems a shame, but despite not being even slightly claustrophobic, looking at it from the outside and the pictures of the steps on the inside (as seen above) I’m still not convinced. Maybe I could just read the pamphlets they give out at the bottom.
Song Of The Week is the source of the title (which would have fit better with the last post, but hindsight’s a wonderful thing) and gave cause for a mini singsong while knocking up another batch of pancakes with the leftover batter this evening, which is as good a reason as any to have it. Next week I’ll try to settle back into some general stuff, since everything is finally calming down. Peace at last.
Saturday in particular will likely fill up fast, so get in touch! I’m now fully pancaked-up, so time for an early night.
More soon…