happy (early) Easter!

By amy ~ April 18th, 2019 @ 5:47 pm

…from my cosy and peaceful digs here in Edinburgh, mine at least until Sunday when I will be packing up and strolling the twenty minutes or so to my final port of call in the late evening ready to be up with the lark on Monday morning! Irn Bru helps.

It’s all been a bit manic (by the time I get home next Wednesday afternoon I’ll have been in six different beds inside twelve days, which is a pretty sterling effort even for me) but for now it’s time for me to settle into my seat up at Filmhouse and enjoy my favourite bank holiday activity – sitting in a dark cinema ploughing through as many films as I can stay awake through in a day. Keeping out of the sun is why my skin is like it is, after all; conversely, watching so many films is probably why my eyesight is so vastly, monumentally shite.

Back at HQ the decorating continues and will hopefully be all but finished by the end of next month; after a quick dash down to London at the start of May I will be home to get on with it until the last Bank Holiday – yay! Having been in absentia for the majority of April (sorry), it’ll be my first chance in a while to spend any time relaxing and catching up with some Scarborough folk, but needs must and as hectic as last week was (even Pimlico, although the frame of reference for ‘hectic’ is maybe a little different), I’m looking forward to a lazy weekend where all I have to do is turn up on time, face the right direction and remember to keep my eyes open. I’m always fine with the first two, at least.

To practicalities; the phone is off and will remain so at least until Sunday morning – I’ll check it a couple of times a day for texts but these events are literally the only times ever where emailing is the way forward. That said – and in the interests of saving everybody time – do note that any reply to any email will just tell you to call me on the day when you want to book.

Back to it! I know it’s a bit rushed and unforgivably picture-free, but I’ll update shortly in a bit more detail – for now, Happy Easter to everybody! The sun is shining, the films start at 9pm and I’m off to find a Scotch pie.

More soon…

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