a spring break (but not just yet)…
And after a dozen or so films, a lot of scotch pies and more Irn Bru than is good for anybody I’m back; Glasgow was exactly as I remember it right down to the fab shopping, friendly everything and very enthusiastic punters – yay! The weather threw us all a bit of a curve however considering that last year most people had to skip the whole thing because of the snow; in sharp contrast this year I spent the whole weekend wandering about in a hoodie with no coat. Glasgow. February. No coat.
This years’ standout recommendations are The Witch Part 1: The Subversion (trailer below: not about a witch) and Freaks; nothing to do with the 1932 Tod Browning curio about circus folk, and not one I’m going to give anything away about either since I believe it’s getting a general release around June-time and really needs to be seen as blind as possible. Quality stuff.
After a look round the Gallery of Modern Art, a trip to Wagamama to try and redress the balance and a pleasant day of entertaining at the real hotel I moved across town to on the Sunday afternoon (which felt like luxury after three days of no TV, wifi, kettle, hairdryer or pretty much anything else at my tenner-a-night festival budget pod) it was time for the long haul home again, although sadly not on the shiny new Azuma train pictured above which I spotted at York station. Maybe some other time.
And here we are a week later with London twenty four hours away! As mentioned previously and detailed overleaf, whilst I’ll be returning soon enough my next Scarborough incall availability will be closer to the end of the month thanks to a few prior commitments – watch this space! It shouldn’t be any more than a week and my phone will be on for most of it, but I’ll be posting as soon as I have anything concrete (and I’m aware this is infuriatingly vague but since it’s public, necessarily so – sorry); I can still do outcalls too, for anybody who might fancy staying in the warm and letting somebody else do the traipsing around outside.
Meanwhile this week will hopefully include time to run over to the National Portrait Gallery to see the Martin Parr exhibition (possibly during the little bit of downtime while switching over from Angel to Aldgate on Saturday lunchtime) as well as a trip over to see my new potential hairdresser before hometime. All will be revealed (not least to me, since I haven’t got a clue what they’re going to be doing to it) in due course; the next proposed new pictures are planned for a month from now but I can stick up a couple of snaps if anything much changes in the interim. And it might!
Song of the Week this week heralds my nearly-finished new playlist which has been in the works for about two years – yay! Choosing the songs is the easy part; fitting them all in and deciding what to leave out is the task especially with a shower singalong classic like this, although nobody can belt them out quite like Teddy Pendergrass. Sigh.
More soon! I’m off to finish the packing, lock up and (one way or another) empty the fridge.