all we hear is…
It’s December already! And thankfully (despite the O2 service lurching from the local trainwreck described last week to a state of near-Armageddon as of first thing this morning) the phone is almost if not quite behaving; if nothing else the on-off time provided a welcome bit of breathing space for getting virtually all of the Christmas and a fair few of the general winter jobs done, and the unremittingly crap weather (well it is December) hasn’t exactly encouraged leaving the house to walk from A to Work in the freezing cold anyway. All things considered it could have been far worse, and nobody was left standing in the rain at two minutes to the hour listening to ‘Your call cannot be connected…‘ from the robot lady voice. Phew.
This means that the ad-hoc restrictions of the last week or so are now off, all are welcome and – fingers crossed – that’ll be an end to it. O2 certainly have bigger problems since their data is out and unlikely to be fixed before morning, so assuming anybody using their phone can get onto a website for long enough to get a number down it should all go swimmingly. Luckily for everyone else – and as can be seen when we study Maslow’s updated just not by Maslow diagram in Appendix A (below) – there is wifi. Pay attention at the back.
Preparations are going full steam ahead for what is probably my favourite week of the year bar Christmas itself – I and my reindeer ears will be setting up camp close to Victoria station in ten days’ time and staying until the Saturday morning; to those for whom this isn’t convenient (and other commitments are not exactly unusual at this time of year, far from it) I will be back in a couple of weeks and at Waterloo – yay! January on the riverside may yet turn out to be a favourite too, even if it’s likely to be a bit more low key. Probably.
January will also mean some more determined training for the London Winter Run on February 3rd; the less said about it the better at the moment, but I’ll be there! My recollection of the horror show that was the (27°C and stratospheric pollen count) Vitality 10K in May is all but gone and a bracing turn along the South Bank for a wave at the power station and a flapjack in the Tate Members room on the way back is long overdue. To be fair, a lolloping 5K along the seafront here is equally overdue and will be undertaken asap, especially since there is now both stöllen and mince pies in the house.
Usual housekeeping – adequate notice please since it’s bloody cold and it takes longer to warm up the flat. Next week is the last full week in Scarborough until mid January, but I’ll be about periodically as can be seen overleaf – woohoo! Declaring one’s interest in good time will be key.
Song Of The Week was going to be Cissy Strut by the Meters, apropos of nothing in particular bar the fact that it’s fun to walk down the street to, even in the wellies needed to do anything that meant going outdoors yesterday. Given the circumstances, there’s been a change of plan.
More soon! It’s way past my bedtime, although as it’s been dark since roughly three o’clock it’s not unreasonable to say that anything after about 7pm qualifies at the moment…
December 12th, 2018 at 6:43 pm
Love the reindeer selfie, super cute! :) x
December 19th, 2018 at 9:00 pm
Have a great Christmas and New year and I hope to see you again soon!