running up that hill…
OK, it was more of a gentle slope up towards Chancery Lane than a hill, but in full sun, 26 degree heat and with the tree pollen in Green Park setting off a hitherto forgotten bout of chest-crushing hay fever it felt like Ben Nevis. Note to self: don’t agree to go running after 8am if it isn’t winter.
But I managed to get around the Vitality 10K somehow and was heartened to see that even Mo was almost a minute slower than he was the previous week. And thanks to our starting wave leaving some twenty minutes after the elite runners, when I say see I mean literally see and from all of ten feet away, since we were headed up the Strand as they were on their way back – bonus! Naturally I (and quite a few others) completely forgot what I was supposed to be doing and slowed down to shout enthusiastic encouragement and wave – it’s very little wonder that my times in these things are miles off my day-to-day runs where the main potential distractions are rocks and the odd beach donkey. Maybe I ought to wear blinkers, like a horse.
It was a lively Bank Holiday all round if we’re including the trip out to Malton Food Festival on the Saturday (the plan being that my departure for London the following morning would curtail the spending a bit – it didn’t); cheese, salamis, pickles, strawberries, Thai curry paste and fresh naans were located, and whilst I couldn’t for the life of me find the Lincolnshire Poacher lady, I instead filled my boots (and my fridge) at the Cote Hill stand. Having had chance to get into my purchases properly since I got back, I can highly recommend it (the Blue and the Lindum especially) as well as the lovely people at Puckett’s Pickles (whose pickled cucumber with lemon is one of my favourite things in the world) and whilst the big weekend is only once a year, it’s well worth pointing out that the Malton Food Market is on every month – the second Saturday of the month to be specific, including today! Since we’ll likely be seeing any food that doesn’t come from just down the road rocketing in price (if and when it eventually gets through the Customs checks) come March thanks again, Brexit fuckwits, getting used to buying local is definitely a good idea for anybody who doesn’t already. And there are always free samples!
As for Angel – now my new favourite part of town, and like Pimlico without the posh bits (although sadly also without the Tate on the doorstep, hence my return to SW1V being organised as we speak) I had a lovely time despite the thunder and lightening, and am already planning to come back as soon as I can after being made very welcome indeed and making lots of new friends including a big one at Kings Cross on my way home when I turned up for my train and unwittingly walked straight into Jurassic Park. Not unlike taking a wrong turn out of Malton, really.
The next few trips are pretty much nailed down and details will be available soon; a return to Aldgate will be here before we know it but as mentioned, the World Cup is almost upon us and as of next Friday there will be very short days here in Scarborough for a couple of weeks and then slightly less short ones once the Group games are done with and the first match of the day moves from 1pm to 3pm. By way of making up for it a bit, I will be starting earlier – from nine am instead of ten – but as usual, anybody actually wanting to book at that time will need to let me know the day before. And for anybody who wants to know, my money (if I gambled, which I don’t and as a neutral, which I am) would be on Spain, with a close-ish eye on Argentina, Belgium and possibly France. But as anybody who sat down to watch last time around will remember, anything can happen…
To this week and a quiet, peaceful weekend after a very busy few days! I’m planning (amongst other things, including eating my body weight in rhubarb crumble in roughly forty minutes time) an overhaul of my work playlist as well as hopefully a small handful of new pictures and definitely a lot more laundry, since I still haven’t caught up and the lovely long days lend themselves to getting things done. It’s all glamour.
Song of the Week is cheesy, very cheesy and is currently providing an exceptionally louche weekend soundtrack to my cutting up of rhubarb in my pyjamas. Maybe the Detroit Emeralds can go on the playlist. They will definitely be going on the playlist.
More soon, and wallcharts at the ready for Thursday!
June 17th, 2018 at 8:58 pm
The red/ botanical outfit for Vitality is lovely!