scorchio! for scarborough, at least…
Not so much now maybe, but the sun was still out as I started typing and I’m reliably informed that last weekend – and on a Bank Holiday, no less – the temperature here definitely edged into the mid twenties. Gosh.
Having planned my Saturday already I was out, food shopping-ed and home again in good enough time to miss the entirely predictable traffic chaos of the Tour, being well and truly ensconced at home with lemon curd sandwiches and the New York Times by half past three. As anybody reading who has met me knows already I’m not the tallest, so the two or three minute walk to see the cyclists going past the end of my street on the way out to Filey didn’t tempt me much since I would likely have needed a set of stepladders to see anything at all, and instead I contented myself with my giant settee and ITV4 where I could watch the whole thing – including Scarborough looking suitably amazing – without having to wobble about on my tiptoes, jiggle from side to side like a broken metronome or try to keep my face out of anybody’s armpit.
Fast forward two and a half weeks to the next Bank Holiday and the next London visit – yay! Specifically Islington, where I will be setting up camp for the first time a couple of minutes from Angel station and fifteen or so from Kings Cross – the fun will start on the Monday afternoon, since Monday morning will be spent in the town centre with Mo Farah and a few thousand more running the London Vitality 10K in (hopefully) a bit of cool drizzle rather than a repeat of this last weekend, just for an hour or so. The sun can put his hat on and come back afterwards when I’ve had my coconut water, set about a couple of flapjacks and headed off on my way to my second new London venue in the last twelve months; even after ten years (as of last month!) of regular trips to the capital there’s still plenty of places I don’t know. I daresay there will still be in another ten, but it won’t do any good to get too set in my ways in the meantime.
In other sporting news, the World Cup will be upon us in a month and I’m already keenly awaiting a return to the unbridled joy of having three football matches to watch every day; I’ll put up more availability information when I’ve figured out the details properly myself, but the nuts and bolts at the moment are that anybody wanting to book up until 1pm won’t notice a thing apart from that I’ll be starting the weekday daytime offer an hour early at 9am for the first couple of weeks to make things easier (for everybody except me, anyway)! Needless to say this will require booking a day ahead – whilst afternoons won’t be a complete write off, given that I don’t have a TV at my flat nor any plans to get one, things might be a bit piecemeal for the games showing on BBC. For those on ITV, the +1 channel is likely to be filling in a few gaps when the need arises so I’ll just have to avoid all news sources on the way home à la Likely Lads <shows age>. I’ll know more about all of it once I have my wall chart.
The next couple of weeks will be business as usual by the seaside and a far more peaceful weekend approaches over the next couple of days! In the spirit of calm, gentleness and not having to get out of bed until midday, my phone is now off until Monday and this week’s Song Of The Week will keep me going while I stumble gracelessly around Marine Drive get on with my 10K training prior to a few hours of baking and some Netflix.
More soon! It’s long past my tea time…