spring(ish) cleaning!

By amy ~ February 21st, 2016 @ 4:13 pm


Some long-overdue housekeeping is underway here on the blog as promised when the new site went up ten months or so ago; firstly, and inspired both by my fabulously hardworking and energetic friend Kimberly C (who is American and lacks the lazy gene entirely) and the regular requests I get to let folk know when I’m coming back/going away/staying in bed for the week, I’m working on a ‘Subscribe’ feature!

There won’t be Spamming To Death Of Punters – promise – but an email will arrive every couple of weeks when there’s a new post here, there will be the occasional newsletter and if it proves popular there may be special photos, possibly special offer codes (bring a picture of a trifle and get £10 off, maybe) and whatnot. Several supposedly idiot-proof WordPress plugins have been tried, and all I have to do is work out why – no matter what I do – everything it sends goes hurtling straight towards the bloody Spam folder. Then again, my Gmail filters are psychotic.

We’ll walk before we run (and let’s face it, who wants to walk anyway when they could be lying on the couch drinking Ovaltine and watching Manhunter?) but hopefully and more importantly it’ll save some faffing for the folk who like to know where I’ll be and when, particularly when the temporary pages (New York, Christmas) are resting, although the New York page is back up for a few weeks – yay! More on London and New York shortly, since it’s a couple of weeks away yet.

Longer standing readers may well have also noticed that the once lengthy blogroll over on the right has shrunk considerably since I got into the habit of deleting links to pages which either hadn’t been added to in over a year or were dead altogether. Folks do retire and move on, but I intend to rebuild it as best I can so hopefully at least a few new friends will be introduced – fingers crossed. And if I’ve mistakenly removed your link and you’ve just moved (or something) then get in touch and I’ll put it back.

While we’re on the subject of friendly folk I should also include a quick apology to all the people who have taken the time to post blog comments over the last couple of years – if yours has vanished, then it’s my fault (I was trying to delete the spam ones on my BlackBerry’s mini screen, but my eyesight is crap and I got trigger happy). It will not happen again, and I’ll try not to break anything else.

In the meantime, there’s no shortage of Real World housekeeping either – as posted previously, there’s a lot of home improvements afoot, and as of this weekend I have a new floor, a dodgy-plaster free bathroom and a hell of a lot of cleaning up to do. Tomorrow will be a late start thanks to the dentist, but the remainder of the week is business as usual – yay!

Update (and hopefully a Subscribe form) soon…WP-HouseKeeping


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1 Response to spring(ish) cleaning!

  1. KimberlyC

    I am SO STEALING you idea for issuing a newsletter with a discount code. That’ll get ’em subscribing!

    I’ve considered having in my FAQ on AW “Will you give me a discount?” “A: Yes – you can have a £10 discount if you hand me the fee inside an Invisible Orange.” Because I would happily give a discount to anyone who either knew how to make an invisible orange or was willing to Google how to do it and then risk looking silly making one.


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