forty three!

By amy ~ January 22nd, 2016 @ 1:08 pm

scarborough escort

Four weeks to the day after Christmas – check. Dark, raining and freezing cold – check. Forty three years on from 22nd January 1973 – it’s my birthday!

After the relative peace of this week and a few more adventures in DIY (including a foray into my new favourite activity, the fitting and hairdryer-shrinking of insulating window film) I’m looking forward to a couple of outings tomorrow, weather permitting, but it’s business as usual today in the newly-draught-free flat and whilst we’re mostly booked up there’s still a few corners left before home time.

The tradition with Birthday Blog for the last few years has been to find corresponding facts to go with the new number, but in poking about looking for exciting forty three-based snippets I drew almost a complete blank bar some interesting information about technetium (a radioactive metal and the chemical element with the atomic number of 43) and the news that I’m sharing my birthday with one Wilbur Scoville, the US pharmacist responsible for the Scoville Scale of chilli-grading and who would have been one hundred and fifty years old today. And not particularly related but a good read all the same is the Hansard transcript of the Donald Trump parliamentary debate from Monday; vital for anybody in need of learning myriad polite ways to call somebody a cunt whilst retaining an appropriately dignified reserve. Also very funny, but then a surprising amount of Hansard is. Who needs The Thick Of It?

The upcoming week will be the last full one in Scarborough for a bit, as London awaits from February 3rd and a return to Waterloo – yay! It’s been far too long. Amongst the planned activities will be a trip to see Hateful Eight in 70mm Ultra Panavision at the Leicester Square Odeon, partly because I’ve never been in the nearly-seventeen-hundred-seater main screen but mostly because the only other way I’ll get to see it in the proper format is to dash up to the wonderful Filmhouse in Edinburgh, and since it’ll likely be even colder there than it is here I think I’ll give it a miss until the four day stint in April which comprises Dead By Dawn. Plus, Bodean’s is a very long way from Lothian Road.

OK,  enough with the links. The weekend (nearly) starts here! Well in a few hours anyway, and with the caveat that it stops raining for a few hours at least.

To those who have texted and emailed this morning, thank you! More soon.

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