happy new(ish) year!
And it’s stopped raining – yay! At least it had at the time of writing which is half past seven or thereabouts on Thursday, which means that by the time this is published it’ll more than likely have started again. So, welcome to 2016 it is.
Having spent most of Christmas dashing about between shops and kitchen, my proper break came after the stupidly busy London trip last week (or at least busy enough to necessitate a panicky condom and shower gel run to Sainsbury’s on the Tuesday evening) rounded off with the Prince Charles Cinema’s Godfather Double Feature which, along with a special trip to Bodean’s for a platter of barbecue so transcendental I forgot to stop when I was full and practically had to crawl back down to Leicester Place, comprised my New Year celebrating. The barbecue would really have been better left until afterwards (whilst I didn’t miss much, I’ll admit to losing the battle briefly and nodding off for just long enough to miss Luca Brasi and the sleeping with the fishes) but as the film start time was half past four in the afternoon, the end time was coming up to quarter past eleven and far too late – another time, definitely!
The trip got off to a less-than-hopeful start with cancelled trains on the 27th, leading to a seventy quid taxi ride from Scarborough to York with crossed fingers all the way – thankfully the 1159 to Kings Cross was having problems of it’s own further north, resulting in a fifteen minute delay which bought some time back, and thus no harm was done. And the only minor difficulty on the journey back following a morning trip to Borough Market was carrying the Neal’s Yard Dairy cheese shop, although having consumed enough food in the last three weeks or so to make Mr Creosote reach for the Gaviscon some serious restraint is going to start being exercised soon, at least when it’s all gone and I’m forced to sit around fantasising about Ogleshield instead. Only at Christmas do we get to eat three proper meals a day plus sandwiches and snacks, then chocolate, nuts, Twiglets and satsumas inbetween (and a few bits of leftover turkey every time the fridge is opened) and long may it continue, but the size 10 dresses are currently *cough* very full indeed.
Still all is gradually settling back down and the first awayday of 2016 is less than a week off; I will be nipping over to Manchester (trains permitting) on Tuesday afternoon to see Henry Rollins at the Bridgewater Hall, a completely new venue for me which I passed a few weeks ago when en route to Prodigy over the road at the GMEX. It’s entirely fair to say that anybody wanting to spend a chilly Tuesday evening watching a middle aged man ranting in an odd building doesn’t really need to leave Scarborough at all, but a couple of hours with Henry will be just the thing to liven up a dark winter day. Since my birthday is only two weeks off I may even follow it with a bit more barbecue, or at the very least a kebab – sadly I wasn’t able to find a cinema showing Hateful Eight immediately afterwards so whatever I wind up with will have to do, but if the last couple of weeks are anything to go by I have no doubt it will.
This outing does mean that next Tuesday afternoon from about 2pm and Wednesday morning are crossed out, but I’ll be back for 12.30 or so and normal service will be resumed until the end of the month – woohoo! London is creeping up again slowly but surely at the start of February and I’ll be confirming some planned time off towards the end, but the remainder of January will be cosy in the flat and all (at least all who can read an ad and string a sentence together on the phone, and the rest won’t be reading this anyway) are welcome to come along and join in!
Back to the very last part of the very first week back, and wondering why the hell I put that photo of the ribs at the top of the page.
More soon.