Well it’s my first day back in my little flat for a whole week – hooray! I hope everybody else had a suitably languid and lo-fi Bank Holiday weekend – I speak as someone who only got dressed at all yesterday when it became clear that the milk was on the turn and there would be no afternoon brew unless decisive action was taken.
Following on from last time (and as some may already have seen this morning) I can announce that West Side Story was triumphant in the Summer Screen musicals vote and therefore I will be staying in London for the duration – woohoo! Further details will be provided nearer the time; I have, after all, just got back and there’s an early July visit in the interim to provide a diversion before the annual Sleepy Queue for Frightfest passes. This is despite a question mark over this years’ actual physical queue thanks to building works in Leicester Square – either way, the hotel is booked and I’ll be in town regardless so if it means no crawling out of bed at stupid o’clock to stand around aimlessly in a WC2 backstreet for six or eight hours on a Saturday morning, then so be it.
This last week in Victoria has been a tiring one but lots of fun, with charming new visitors (and a couple of unexpected but very welcome reruns) a trip out to the Curzon Soho for Wild Tales (finally) and a razz round the Big John Lewis on Oxford Street with Charlotte before some tapas and shoe discussion on the way back. I have a new favourite lunch place in Itsu, which I must have walked past at some point on virtually every day I’ve ever spent in London but had previously avoided because it looked expensive, appallingly healthy and seriously earnest and dull. Thankfully, it turned out to be none of the above. Unfortunately, no signs of a company expansion into Scarborough.
I’ve also enjoyed a trip out to the Malton Food Festival last Sunday where, as can be seen below, muchas good things were bought (and that was just the stuff which made it home). I still forgot both to buy a big pork pie, and call at the one cheese stall which had my enduring favourite Old Amsterdam, although this was less of a disaster than it could have been thanks to the Lincolnshire Poacher lady who was sadly bereft of Ogleshield this year, but to my joy had Wigmore, Waterloo and their own three-year-old knockout cheddar Knuckle Duster – recommended. Arriving home armed with these plus homemade pork scratchings, fresh cake and brownies (and more cake), local – plus some not so local – produce and the beloved buffalo burgers I think I can probably live with being Gouda-less.
Apparently it’s half term this week, so by way of a tentative warning to anybody planning a Scarborough visit, the parking is likely to be murder and the town centre is likewise (which having nipped out to run some errands a couple of hours ago I can verify – everything else can officially wait until Monday bar the food shopping which, mercifully, Tesco are delivering later on this evening).
More soon – I’m off to finish the errands, cook buffalo cheeseburgers and find the hay fever tablets. For anybody who had forgotten why it won ten Oscars, a bit of West Side Story!