it’s finished!
Well this week’s big news is that my new site is finally finished, up and running – yay! The link on the right works the same as ever and the name hasn’t changed, but everything else has and I’m proud to report that bar precisely three of the (also brand new) gallery pics which a pal graciously took for me, it’s all my own work; even the big pink tulip on the homepage was minding its own business in none other than the Italian Gardens just along the cliff, and the beach is – well – the beach. Needless to say I’m now knackered, in need of a new eye test and know more about colour hex codes than is really good for anybody but it’s done!
As the vigilant will have spotted already, things around here have been subtly tweaked by way of a mini update and will quite possibly be getting a proper spruce up in due course, although after spending a large proportion of the last months’ spare minutes (when I had some and wasn’t sleeping, sitting in Scottish cinemas or speed-eating chilli squid in Wagamama) for over a month now, a WordPress style sheet is something I’ll be happy enough not to see at all for a week or two at the very least. Longer, even.
That said, I’ll admit to thoroughly enjoying myself – the black-and-whiteness of the coding bits is inordinately relaxing and rather zen; unlike dealing with people and their near-infinite range of foibles and proclivities (and that’s before even getting started on my own) you’ve either got it completely right or completely wrong and thus it either works or it doesn’t. The bit of text either went pink/photo appeared in the middle/link worked – or it didn’t. Bliss.
More pictures will be added as and when, now I’m back in the habit and the sun is coming out occasionally. For anybody wondering what became of the previously-mentioned (and decidedly uncheap) pro pictures from a month or so ago, the short answer – sadly – is nothing, and that’s likely to remain the case. From now on, we’ll stick with what we know even if the technical quality might leave a bit to be desired (and also if it means only being able to take some during the few weeks of the year when there’s a fighting chance that the sun will be out for more than ten minutes a day).
Back to the land of the living, and I will be in Scarborough enjoying the sunshine (although to anyone in any doubt having looked at the new pictures, the sea is definitely still cold) for another week and a bit before heading back to London on the 20th – yay! I will also be heading again for this year’s Malton Food Festival the following Sunday after making my way home so (realistically) consider me back on Tuesday 26th just in case of another real ale, water buffalo burger, cheese and homemade cake-induced torpor on the Monday (I will blame being tired from London, but I will be lying).
More soon. It’s definitely time to be away from the screen for a bit so in the meantime, a new boobie pic – yay! You can never have too many.