(belated) Happy Easter!
And hello again Scarborough! As local folk will know, it’s been my first day back at my city pad after having spent the majority of the last three days lying on the floor eating Easter eggs and listening to OK Computer.
After returning from the busiest London trip in some time (and with far and away the best weather too – see pics!) a break was needed, not least because an early start followed by a morning spent throwing some odd shapes for the oft-mentioned new pictures left me (my back, mostly) feeling a little like a box of broken biscuits. Ah, it’s great getting old.
I did manage enough free time to bask happily in the Spring sunshine beneath the London Eye along with about five hundred others who had the same idea, embark on an epic Ping Pong-a-thon with fellow kumquat mojito fan Daisy and nearly get thrown out of my hotel before even getting in it having completely forgotten that my credit card had been cancelled after somehow being intercepted, cloned and used online to book mini cabs in Hungary (I think, since my Magyar is not what it might be) – oops. Still, I had such a lovely time I’ve been terrifyingly organised and already sorted the next couple of excursions; all being well I will be back at my other favourite haunt two minutes from Victoria Station and roughly equidistant with Nando’s on Wednesday May 20th and playing nicely until the Saturday lunchtime (23rd). Hopefully the weather will hold, but if not I’m thankfully never short of ideas for things to do indoors.
Anyway, more updates on the new pictures in due course but suffice to say and without wanting to be tediously cryptic, the end result is not going to be what everybody thinks it is. Since the also-previously-mentioned new website is coming along in leaps and bounds (it has now been Seen To Work On An iPhone, despite a large part of me finding it difficult to care whether any device whose name begins with a lower case ‘i’ accepts it or not), the plan is to have everything done and dusted for the start of next month – yay! Obviously, best laid plans and so forth, but it’s all exciting stuff and I now even know what a widget is. I will still not be joining Twitter.
For now, I’ll be here in Scarborough until Thursday lunchtime next week before heading off to Scotland and Edinburgh’s Filmhouse for Dead By Dawn – some classics beckon this year, and not only in the downstairs bar. In the meantime availability will be as standard, but if the sunshine continues as forecast (and after a thwarted attempt at a trip to the beach on Sunday when the rain stopped only long enough for me to buy a 99) I’ll be out and about like any other sane person who doesn’t have to sit in an office all day, and a bit more notice than usual might be a plan.
More soon! It’s been a tiring day, right enough.