oops, I did it again…
I know, bit of a gap, but it’s an improvement on last time and I can announce that some exciting developments are afoot!
As some already know new photos are on their way and this time I mean it – having finally given up waiting for a bright day in Scarborough when I’m not doing anything else, I admitted defeat and thus the first proper, paid photoshoot in almost seven years is all booked – yay! In the name of preparation, sweeties, white carbs and takeaway menus have been banished from the house in favour of steak, green veg, early nights (in theory at least) and gallons of water, to the extent that I currently leave neither home nor flat without carefully checking that my destination or at least somewhere on the way to or from it boasts a Ladies.
Fortunately I have had no trouble placating myself with a combination of online yoga, homemade guacamole and Better Call Saul on Netflix although with only two more episodes in series one to go, panic is beginning to loom in the background. I predict a weekend of Easter egg fuelled binge-watching and maybe more than one – after the photoshoot, obviously.
Since I’m finding myself on something of a roll lately with lovely new flat and now lovely new photos, the next on the list is to be a lovely new website – this last is currently under construction, but as it is being constructed by me (who six days ago knew no more about shortcodes and stylesheets than I do about crocodile farming or vegan restaurants) it might be something of a wait. But as I keep telling myself, I am Learning Transferable Skills, which is secretly quite exciting (although nowhere near as exciting as the feeling when clicking Refresh and something I did actually works). Blog will remain here, but a change is as good as a rest and it’s now over seven years since the current one first went live, with me still mystified by the whole thing having previously advertised only in newspapers where the most complicated thing any of us had to remember was to not even obliquely mention shagging for money, and keeping the word count down.
If all goes according to plan, everything should be done, dusted and ready to unveil at the end of the month when I get back from one of my favourite trips of the year in Edinburgh’s Dead By Dawn; I will be away for the weekend from Thursday 23rd and given that it’s Edinburgh, there will definitely be chips. There will also be a chance to try out the new(ish) Virgin East Coast breakfast and wifi on the way home the Monday morning, since the extremely worthwhile and useful East Coast Rewards scheme was sadly but predictably dumped and I had to get rid of my loyalty points somehow.
London beckons in one weeks’ time, and my Easter trip is looking lively – it’s been two months and I can’t wait to be back! I will be arriving mid afternoon on Easter Day sans chocolate (but, thankfully, avec everything else) and keeping company until the Wednesday evening. For the time being, Spring has sprung in Scarborough and I’ll be around all week until Friday unless the mix of pre-photo diet and custom css results in a meltdown.
More soon. Bed beckons, since I’ve just remembered it’s an hour later than it’s supposed to be…