and we’re off!
Although not without a few hiccups leading to a couple of days delay, an afternoon of intensive IKEA flatpack construction that nearly resulted in the skip up the road filling up far faster than anticipated (in the event, the beneficiary was the till at the local off licence) and no less than nine fourteen-or-so hour days in a row of cleaning, building, decorating and airing out, but I can now report that I’m finally settled in to what’s best described as most of a flat and as of last Wednesday incalls are happily up and running – yay!
It’s been very hard work and involved some serious horror that would rival anything on the bill at FrightFest, but my new shiny new Scarborough base is coming along in leaps and bounds – the really tough bits are out of the way, the bags are unpacked and everybody so far has been gallant enough not to mention the lingering smell of paint, bacon (fried daily in an attempt to mask the paint) and leftover Dominos. The paint will be around for a while yet (and God alone knows who comes up with the names; I can’t be the only person who feels a pillock even opening the tin of something called ‘Urban Obsession’ just to slap it on the bog walls) but all is ticking over nicely and the new routine of getting up, getting dressed, going to work and going home again rather than trying to second-guess the hotel cleaners schedule, fathom out every imaginable model and design of shower without getting my head drenched and decide which branch of the bank would be the best bet (based on what I want for breakfast on the way) is relaxing in the extreme even allowing for the new-flat chaos.
Just in case there was a risk of my getting too comfortable, my second trip of the year to New York is creeping up fast; it should be warmer than last February but nowhere near as dry, and I suspect I will be needing my wellingtons – full details overleaf on the usual page! London follows for a couple of days on the way back, and then it’s home again from the 10th November until the Big Christmas Trip.
A very brief update for now, but a proper one will follow soon as the settling in continues (and when my broadband is connected).
Back to the toolbox!