a whole new world…
So, was anybody local (other than me) paying enough attention to spot Scarborough in Utopia? Twice in the opener/prologue/flashback episode too (and with the old Terry’s chocolate factory in Episode 2 as a bonus). I’m slightly ashamed to admit to having screen grabs, but only so that I could bend my walk to the Post Office in that direction the other morning and take a comparison one – see above! I’ll be keeping an eye out for more tonight at ten…
With the World Cup but a memory (albeit an not-easily-forgotten one if you’re a Brazilian defender) it’s been a peaceful and tranquil time of sunshine-dodging and general relaxation after what seems like a month of non-stop chaos culminating in a far-more-enjoyable-than-anticipated visit to Leeds. Had I known I would have stayed longer but not to worry, I’ll soon be planning the next time! The baking heat meant largely staying indoors, but having discovered the new (to me, anyway) Trinity Centre just up the road, thankfully ‘indoors’ didn’t necessarily have to mean the hotel room and a couple of down-time hours were whiled away pottering sedately about the usual high street suspects until it was time to go back.
In other news, another London dash is on the cards thanks to Other Business – I will be in town next week from lunchtime Monday to lunchtime Tuesday and whilst most of the evening is tied up, the afternoon and morning are not and I’ll be two minutes from Liverpool Street station at the usual times for the duration. It’s all exciting stuff, although if the last mercy dash was anything to go by, tiring and whilst I’ll be back in Scarborough for a couple of days before the journey to Aberdeen on Friday 1st, it’s fair to say I won’t be doing an awful lot.
Speaking of Scarborough and by way of an update (although it’s really of the type where somebody comes along, tells half a story and then leaves again) the new incall arrangements are forging ahead and all being well, I should soon have some fairly solid information as to the resumption of Scarborough incalls for newbies, same day appointments and all the other useful accompaniments which will hopefully be back in place at some point in the next couple of months – woohoo! Suffice to say the gauntlet of viewings, estate agent-baiting and general, hair-tearing dreadfulness is hopefully winding down to be replaced by the new horrors of surveys, conveyancing fees and as longer term readers will recall, endless patient waiting for other people to do things they’re being handsomely paid for within an even semi-reasonable amount of time. FrightFest can’t roll round soon enough, that’s for sure.
For now, all is well as usual and with the World Cup finished (and whilst it’s a bit late to the party, the picture below made me cry laughing) available hours both home and away have returned to normal, with apologies to those who missed out during the evenings of the last few weeks. The awaydays overleaf have been updated, and whilst I’m hanging fire a bit on making arrangements from early September, London, Scotland, Birmingham and New York are firmly sorted – yay!
More soon …fingers crossed for a bit more news!