back for a pit stop!
Well it’s goodbye Birmingham and her lovely punters, and sadly far too soon! Since the cab ride to New Street station this morning was the first time I had left my accommodation following my arrival on Sunday, any thoughts of exploring the place (or even a Balti) were knocked quickly into shape. I will just have to come back.
In this vein, huge apologies to those who had trouble getting through on the phone (whilst I will be back, I will be staying elsewhere and not just for this reason as the troupe of visitors will know) and slightly less enthusiastic ones to those who did only to be mystified that I was not once available (much less ‘free’) in the next fifteen minutes. Go. To. A. Parlour.
After walking through the door a scant four hours ago to happy fishes, leftover curry and an unprecedented pile of junk mail for a non-election period, I have industriously emptied Suitcase 1 (Work/Large) and begun the less-than-challenging task of packing Suitcase 3 (Non-Work/Tiny) for Champney’s, the core requirements being toothbrush, clean knickers and a cossie. Suitcase 2 (Work/Middle) sits patiently waiting for the Isle of Man preparations to begin upon my return, although a substitution may yet take place depending on food arrangements; longer-standing readers will remember a similar trip to Douglas a couple of years ago just after the TT racing, and if half as much fun is had this time around I won’t be complaining at all.
The phone is off and will remain so until Tuesday next week (meaning texts will not be seen either, particularly since I’m not taking it with me); emails will be checked in a timely way and replied to as appropriate but quite possibly not over the weekend. As for tonight, it’s going to be an early one without even a single episode of Breaking Bad.
More when I get back (and have possibly gone again)! Meanwhile, my dressing gown awaits…