normal service has been resumed…
…following a record eight-and-a-quarter-hour journey after my train, the 0848 to Liverpool Lime Street (previously minding it’s own business having just picked up/dropped off at Seamer) managed to get into an altercation with a car on a level crossing, and as anybody who heard it on the news will know, this necessitated its passengers, (myself included) sitting at the side of a field for two and a half hours until such a time as we got the go ahead to travel on. On the plus side, we all got to see firemen, policemen, paramedics, a fire engine and a helicopter, to the delight of the primary school party in my carriage who missed their day out at Eureka as a result. Never mind.
So Day 1 of Glasgow was something of a write off (although not entirely, thanks to the charming folk who’ve called in over the course of the evening) to say the least, and huge apologies to those that were trying to get through on the phone – sorry. There’s still all day today and first thing Friday before Edinburgh beckons…
The wait provided me with some time out for important planning and preparation, timely indeed given that this week has also seen the countdown to the World Cup begin in the form of some very enjoyable list-making (brioche hotdog buns from Marks and Spencer: check), the ritual copying of all fixtures into phone and spreadsheet (the latter with space for results and new for this year, possibly attendance figures); it’s not long now!
The choice of host country has helped out immeasurably in terms of time zones, with games being daily at 5pm, 9pm, 11pm and (on occasion) 2am and thus all any potential visitors need to know is that my temporary finish time during the tournament will be 4.30pm, with the possibility of sneaking an hour-long slot in around seven-ish if I’m not too full or too pissed. Obviously ‘daily’ only applies to the group stages, and availability will be updated as and when once it thins out a bit.
Anyway – time to get moving! Proper update soon…