well, that was good…
A quick post from my temporary London HQ having bowled up earlier today to something of a welcoming committee, having not stayed there for, er, well over six weeks. Needless to say all is not only well, but very comfortable indeed and it’s looking like a busy trip – this visit also marks the first tentative outing of the year without bringing any sort of coat, a bold decision I suspect I’ll regret when arriving back in Scarborough, at least if not before.
I have earlier in the week learned some Bollywood dancing, aqua jogging and all about health-snack extraordinaire bliss balls (having spotted them in the cafe counter and asked), which whilst looking as if they belong out in the garden with a bit of coconut shell and some bacon rinds, are very nice and enthusiastic attempts to reproduce them will be made at home (when I’m next there for more than a couple of days, anyway).
I have been massaged, pedicured, yoga-ed, fed and Thalassotherapied; this last followed by an anxious couple of hours staying very close to the nearest facilities after wobbling over on my way between the heavy-duty mineral pool’s massage jets and inadvertently drinking a bit, only to (mercifully) suffer no ill effects at all. I have also swum a lot, Zumba’d a bit, read two books and eaten far too much – easily done when the only activity required of me afterwards was lying on a pink chaise until such a time as it was desirable to do anything else. Also worthy of mention was a very good sticky bun I had at Derby on the way there – no such luck on the way back, and determined as I was to maintain the über-relaxed aura for as long as possible, forty minutes stuck at Tamworth waiting for the delayed 1619 in the rain would have shaken anybody’s resolve.
Nevertheless, the invigorating effect can’t be argued with, and I have already arranged my next Champney’s visit in June – Phase 2(ish) of the home improvement continues in the meantime and as most (although not all, sadly) have noticed, I’m only taking bookings from previous visitors in Scarborough for the foreseeable future until things are a bit more sensible. This does not, of course, apply to awaydays – perish the thought!
I will be happily ensconced here by the London Eye, bright-eyed and bushy pretty-much-everything, until noon on Thursday and then next week brings a new venue altogether – Chester has been on my hit list for some time, and when better than the springtime for striking out a bit? Plus it’s on the way(ish) to Liverpool, home of cheap and easy conveyance to the Isle of Man – yay! This brings us neatly into Easter week and the countdown to Dead By Dawn in Edinburgh; I will be away from the 24th – 28th, and then coincidentally back there on May 9th following a stint in Glasgow. Phew.
For now, it’s settle-in and unpack time, and in the spirit of keeping up the good work, possibly a trip out in the morning to buy a swimsuit that fits. And a brownie.