god rest ye, merry gentlemen…
A very brief addendum having safely returned home on Saturday, after a fabulous week and lots of lovely new punting buddies made! Not to mention pies, gravlax, brownies, cheese and (yes) cake bought – after some kind soul knocked my £3.50 mulled wine out of my hand I wasn’t missing out – and finally, a very blue steak seen off with a vengeance shortly before leaving London to it for the last of 2013.
I caught my train with scant seconds (and I do mean seconds; the whistle being blown simultaneously as I tumbled through the first available door dragging a suitcase weighing roughly the equivalent of a Mini Cooper along with me) to spare after over an hour stuck in traffic on Oxford Street (admittedly the idea that a last look at the Christmas lights might be nice was the stuff of lunacy, but an hour and a quarter between Victoria and Kings Cross? Really?) only to find a Perrin-esque situation with my Scarborough connection upon arriving at York and arrived home an hour late anyway. By the looks of things if I’d stayed much longer, I wouldn’t have made it at all…
Anyway, all’s well that ends well and end it has for now; the suitcase is put away, the work phone will be resolutely off until next week and whilst emails will be answered as promptly as possible, my festive R&R time is now started – yay! To all the fabulous ladies who have always been on hand with support and help, endless streams of information and especially friendship, the uncomplaining people who have given up their time to help keep SAAFE grow and flourish despite receiving nothing in the way of money (and much of the time, even less by way of thanks) and last but not least, all the lovely punters who have visited (whether for the first time or the hundred and first), may we all have a very Merry Christmas!
Will see everybody on the other side for leftover turkey, bubble and squeak and the Doctor Who repeat…