pain, gain and one more to go…
Tattoo sittings, that is. After another three and half hours of diabolical and prickly unpleasantness (followed by an unprecedented sprint through Kings Cross station from the underground to avoid missing the last train home, which I hope I never have to do again) we now have some colour on – yay! Still no pictures, since it’s Not Finished yet – as before, you’ll have to see for yourself.
One week later and with the last few sunburn-peely bits just about gone I have even managed to welcome a couple of visitors over the last two days, although swimming is currently a distant memory; I couldn’t face the thought of immersing myself in cold water before the boiler was thankfully fixed, didn’t have time when I got back from Nottingham and splashing about in a container full of chlorine and other people’s dead germs (and worse) is frowned upon within a good couple of weeks of tattoo-work, and whilst the strict adherence to of other people’s rules is not an especially familiar modus for me, well, I’m not daft.
As those who I met there will know, I was in Nottingham on nearby Other Business anyway, but the forgotten joy of being able to pop on a train or two, get off and be in my hotel within half a day and then pop back home afterward with minimal fuss and even less cost (and with no need for passports, security screening or a nap upon my arrival just to get through Day 1) was a real delight, and I will certainly be doing so again. And in the spirit of local(ish) visitings, I will be in likewise-not-too-far-away Carlisle for a few days from the 29th – woohoo! It’s all very exciting (and in the event that it isn’t, the best part is I can be back on my own settee by teatime).
Back to the current week and London awaits in under twenty four hours! Victoria first (and nobody should have to clamber through the redevelopment-fence-chaos to get to B no matter where their A is, don’t worry) and my more usual venue on the South Bank from Friday lunchtime; there are appointments left, but not too many if you’re wanting Friday in particular. I will also be catching up with some lovely ladies and hopefully managing to stay away from sharp objects, unless we’re counting the Shard.
Just a brief update then, since I have packing to do, fishes to tidy and all before the Bake Off. More (very) soon…