(still) no pain no gain…

By amy ~ August 24th, 2013 @ 4:28 pm

A quick update from my compact and bijoux semi-pod hotel room, mainly for those who have asked about the 40th (previously 30th, but got sidetracked) Birthday Tattoo…

Well the pain isn’t quite over yet as sadly an unexpected technical hitch (not on my side I hasten to add, having not only spent the whole of Monday gearing up for three more hours of torment but set aside the whole of Wednesday for lying on the settee in my nightie whinging about it) meant a postponement. Sadly I didn’t find this out until after I’d arrived, but with Charlotte MySecretLife to the rescue, an impromptu trip to the Shard’s 32nd floor for a brew was decided on, followed by Brindisa for tapas and a quick walk down to Crossbones (and do have a look at the link) before hometime, so despite a notable lack of ink it was far from a wasted journey after all.IMG-20130820-01900Meanwhile back in the present, Frightfest is in full swing, the sun is shining (most of the time) and the Empire’s air conditioning is providing respite when required – a little too much respite on a couple of occasions and my ever-present woolly hat has put in an appearance not once but twice. I have also managed to source Pic and Mix at a sensible price and bring it with me rather than spending half a day’s food money on a smallish bag (£1.99 a quarter at the Empire vs 52p at Wilko in Scarborough, plus Wilko have Sour Mix and three different kinds of bonbon). Next up today is film number 12: No One Lives at six, giving me just enough time to finish this, have a shower and get back into town (allowing for a brief pitstop at Kiosk for a roast belly pork sandwich with extra stuffing and a flat white).

To anybody who is waiting on an email response, sorry! I’m aiming to get all the outstanding ones done over the next 24 hours or so, but it does help enormously if you put something helpful in the Subject line. For Scarborough readers, I will be back in town on Monday 2nd and may take a couple of appointments on Tuesday and Wednesday but no guarantees – either way it can wait. And speaking of Scarborough, pictures from last weekend at the beach below – I sadly ate all the donuts before they could be immortalised but a grand day out nonetheless (if a thirty second journey to the seafront via the cliff lift five minutes from my door can be described as a day out).scarboroughsbayFor now, on with the show and I’ll be back soon (with possible interim report from New York if I wake up at 4am on as many days as I normally do). In the meantime, Leicester Square beckons…

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