bring me sunshine…
A quick update to match the quick pitstop back home in Scarborough, where I will be for approximately the next 13 hours before hurtling back towards That London to take up residence until Thursday – yay!
I have had a fabulous (if a little tiring) week in the Manx sunshine and didn’t want to leave, sulking miserably all the way home (my mood not being improved by getting so drenched by the rain upon disembarking at Liverpool a soggy dash to the ladies’ in John Lewis for a complete change of clothes was necessary, although the trip to Nando’s which followed next helped immeasurably) and will be certain to get in in good time with next year’s hotel reservation. Having had such a lovely time (and things were really just getting going when I left) I might just stay for the whole shebang next time; anybody wanting to acquaint themselves with the racing itself need look no further than 1TV4 nightly at 9pm. Or better still, just book a week off and buy a Steampacket ferry ticket!
There is packing, hair wrangling, fish tidying and fridge organisation still to do, but suffice to say I will be arriving in good time and whilst tomorrow is nigh on fully booked, there are still oddbod gaps dotted about (Monday-Wednesday mostly, but do ask). After a calming week of enjoying the sea air, engine noise and different-seaside-to-at-home atmosphere a few days of rather more pacy citydom will be just the ticket, as will another visit to the V&A’s David Bowie exhibition, a few wanders up the South Bank and possibly a Yo Sushi after before hometime on Thursday. Cor.
Whilst I have to go and decide between Scrambled and Omelette (there are eggs), interested parties who have been following the latest attempt to ‘help’ people in sex work by making them unemployed will be pleased to know that following 950 or so responses, Ms Rhoda Grant’s consultation summary on the Criminalisation of the Purchase of Sex (Scotland) Bill (2) has now been published and the responses including mine here (although my name appears to have inexplicably been removed?) can be read from her website here. If you are either a sex worker or a punter, I suggest securing loose objects and reading it well away from any dentable walls. Needless to say, it’s not going to be the most positive experience of the week and with this in mind I admit I’ve only skimmed it myself so far – the responses can also be downloaded via the link above and I’m looking forward to reading (some of) them, too. But not now.
We’re going with scrambled. More in the week.