the f word…
Forty, that is – happy birthday to me! I am officially beginning my next decade, so yay! And to my blessed relief, I have been assured that this is no reason to start behaving like a grown up; just as well since I still intend to eat Dairylea and Chipsticks and I’ve just booked my next round of horror film festivals (complete with all-nighters), amongst other things.
A couple of days ago, a major nostalgic tour de force was bringing back countless memories of birthdays long gone by (when no celebration which involved leaving the house and going anywhere could even be considered due to four foot high drifts) thanks to the lovely snow which covered Scarborough through most of the week, and whilst I know it’s cold, inconvenient and not a little disruptive (and having had two cancellations in as many days it can be a nuisance, although the not-cancellation more than made up for them) it’s very pretty all the same. But since it has now almost gone and the view from the window is back to normal even if the temperature outside it has very much stayed put, I’ve just had to make do with damp, drizzly and overcast, although a vast haggis and steak burger with everything (including whisky sauce) certainly put a shine on things at lunchtime, even if it did make my regular Tuesday night kettlebell class something of a trial.
Ads have been changed, at least on the sites that folk generally look at, and a handful of new pics are in the offing, too! Sadly the dire lighting conditions have scuppered any chance of getting them done this week although a few Heath Robinson-esque experiments with household stuff are proving if not promising as such, interesting, even if they just wind up here where we can all look at them and the sequence shorteners will just have to miss it. Obviously being Very Very Old now the standard prossie-pose stuff will never do, not that it ever did. Watch this space!
Thank you to everybody who has sent texts, emails (and e-cards) with birthday wishes as well as the very kind souls who organised Wish List pressies – I think I’ve replied to everybody, but if not I will. As previously mentioned, I will not now be available until Sunday (27th) since I have a birthday mini-break planned – as usual, my phone will be resolutely off but emails will be checked a couple of times a day and answered as soon as I’m able. London is filling up steadily, and thankfully the miserable weather doesn’t seem to be putting folk off – anybody wanting a belated birthday party is very welcome to come along and celebrate.
Proper blog will follow soon – it’s been a long day! I have one more birthday cupcake, and it’s an early night for me – genuine apologies for brevity but as befits my age, I’m officially knackered.
January 28th, 2013 at 12:40 pm
Hope you were spoilt rotten!
January 28th, 2013 at 4:03 pm
Thank you!
I definitely was, mostly by the good people at Konditor and Cook.