shake, shake, shake señora!
A quick update, since it’s bags packed and ready to go once again after a delightful week of fun and frolics amidst the newly falling leaves and beautiful September sunshine, albeit accompanied by at least one day so windy that I not only had an unexpected Monroe moment on Valley Bridge (thank God for 120 deniers) but almost lost my favourite woolly hat, which as some already know, I am rarely seen without in civvydom and have already nearly-lost once when I mistakenly threw it in the towel drop at the gym after some particularly strenuous Ashtanga. Fortunately it was recognised (see earlier part of sentence).
I have (finally) enjoyed my second attempt at Zumba after a slightly longer gap than originally intended at the time of the first one, but this time on a bright autumn morning and featuring not only a touch of energetic Bollywood-style wiggling (the link with latin dance being something of a mystery, admittedly) and even an unexpected brief and pleasurably stompy routine set to my childhood favourite Harry Belafonte song – yay! I’m only sorry that I will miss next weeks (and can feel some Youtube-inspired practicing coming on already).
A huge improvement on the previous episode, if only because I wasn’t already exhausted before the class even started and the sun was shining throughout and I left a happy camper, if an out of breath and slightly damp one. Half an hour and a plateful of Lyonnaise potatoes avec sausage later, and my day could not have been more pleasant if the postman had turned up with my new fake fur gilet from Michael Kors and my finally-returned wallet in a silver Special Delivery bag both at the same time, so when he did, needless to say a celebration was required (remainder of a large box of Thorntons for me, bit of banana for the fishes) and a cup of tea and a nap later, the usual time honoured pre-travelling routines could begin in earnest…
So to business! I have a few appointments left in Guernsey, but very little really – since I will be travelling most of tomorrow/today, email is by far the best way to find out the whens and wheres. For those who are contacting me from Jersey, I will be back on November 17th – ads will be up in due course, but there’s always the boat in the meantime if you’re really keen. And for a lucky one or two in West Sussex, I will be available for a brief liaison (or two, or even three) at my temporary Gatwick digs tomorrow evening and possible even early on Sunday – come fly with me!
Back soon…