going, going, gone!
As you may suspect, I already have gone – this is an auto-publish. Shh!
The phone is OFF – don’t text or leave messages as I won’t get them until Friday and I don’t listen to voicemails anyway.
Emails will be checked and replied to if necessary first thing and last thing – I only have my BlackBerry, so there won’t be any epics, but I’ll do my best. Please don’t email me now wanting to make tour bookings for six weeks time though – it can wait.
Formspring questions will be responded to if and when I can be arsed (again, only have the BlackBerry, so have a heart).
See you next week! You’ll have to content yourselves for now with the knowledge that at the moment I am probably wearing nothing but a soft, fluffy dressing gown, and am more than likely a touch on the oily side.