onward ho!
And I post this morning from the first of three trains on my interminably long journey to Oxford; I am scheduled to arrive shortly after lunch and whilst the remainder of the afternoon is resolutely spoken for, I am hoping to wander over to the cinema this evening, just in case the bare five hours in an industrially-Scotchproofed, velour upholstered seat with plastic arms turns out to be not quite enough for one day.
After a peaceful time yesterday ambling about the flat preparing for my trip and congratulating myself on my efforts to travel lighter (packing ruthlessly is far more difficult for me than I ever anticipate, even though I have never and will never be one of the covering-all-possibilities types who cannot even leave for an outcall without kit that would shame the stockroom of a provincial branch of Ann Summers) I have been surprised and flattered to have received something of a last minute flurry, after a week of slow and steady enquiries in more the fashion I have become used to; unfortunately there is only one (longish) or two (shortish) appointments left tomorrow, and these most certainly will not be going to any of the Can’t Read Won’t Reads from you-know-where.
The time may well in the end be allocated to the Pitt Rivers Museum, an Oxford University anthropology and world archaeology concern whose collection of artefacts (currently among them Ghost Forest, should I fancy a meander on the lawn, although as yesterday was the first day it has not rained in Scarborough for an age, I can only assume that the clouds are lying in wait for me there) I have read eagerly about following a recommendation from a gentleman in Cambridge (next week, keep up) and I gather that the methods of display very much reflects my preferred style of home decoration in that lots of things which enraptured their owners (and hopefully others) are packed together in abundance whilst following a rough-ish theme. If this indeed turns out to be the case I can now stop apologising for the Steptoe’s Yard effect I have always wound up with and enjoy the newly-acquired knowledge that interesting things are meant to look like that.
I have also included above (for those who didn’t believe me!) further pictorial evidence of what happens when I am not wearing my glasses, although the huge bruise acquired by tripping over a solid, but otherwise very comfortable hotel bed is far less apparent than the clear similarity of my foot to the Monty Python opening-title-squashing one (belonging to Cupid, no less). A brief missive then, since we will shortly be arriving at York and I have not had breakfast yet – last minute would-be Oxford visitors are welcome to get in touch and chance their arm. I will not be taking calls until after 2pm today, but emails and polite, specific text enquiries are welcome (unless of course you are reading on Adultwork, in which case it’s time to have another crack at those turing letters).
Location report to follow!
July 27th, 2011 at 3:16 pm
Alan Turing… Can computers think?… Boring blah blah about proving you’re human…
Here endeth the lesson.
Whoever picked you up on it needs a hobby. :)
July 27th, 2011 at 3:28 pm
Of that I have no doubt haha; a punter today has also pondered aloud on how many of these tedious pedants walk among us getting sweaty-palmed with glee at the idea of spotting a typo, whilst the rest of us get on with real lives.
The point I am trying to make is that I am QUOTING Adultwork, as a way of asking it’s users to book properly – what I have cut and pasted is EXACTLY what it says on the site when you get the letters wrong – try it. The typo IS NOT MINE. I strongly suspect it’s the same twat who doesn’t understand the difference between hacking and wiretapping, to be honest.
Another oh-aren’t-I-smug-and-ever-so-clever-oh-hang-on-no-I’m-not moment. I’m guessing these are relatively frequent…
EDIT: I wonder if the English Police spotted the error I’ve just corrected? The fact that I’m walking up a railway station platform with luggage and posting on my BlackBerry will amount to no defence, I’m sure.
July 27th, 2011 at 4:16 pm
Adultwork is the premier hotspot for typos and suchlike.
Walking, carrying, typing plus occasional glances to see where you’re going are ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE!!
100 lines on my desk by 5pm young lady. Fecked if I know what the lines should be, just use your imagination. Heheh.
By the way, that CAPTCHA that AW have added, just goes straight on to the list of things which irritate me. The AW section is rather bloated…