A quick message for those who have been trying to contact me by telephone, and those who may have been planning to try over the next couple of days – I will not be available for the rest of the week (or certainly tomorrow) as a result of an extremely painful (as if there was any other kind) and very annoying dental emergency. I have a dentist’s appointment imminently, but given that a professional healthcare provider is unlikely to agree to just hit me over the head and rip the thing out, it is likely to be Monday at the earliest before all has settled down and I am available for appointments again (and I’m guessing that anybody who has ever been kept awake all night with the constant dull, throbbing head-in-a-vice pain of a really good toothache will know exactly what I mean). Since even brushing my hair on the left side is too painful at the moment, the chances of my being able to forget all about it and launch into my usual enthusiastic rolling about à deux is not even a remote possibility.
Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible, not least because I have a (currently inedible) pork pie in the fridge. Update soon!