i’m a road runner, baby…
And thirty eight minutes or so after nine, soaked to the marrow (along with fifteen hundred or so others) I did it!
In fact technically I sort-of did it twice since it took me nearly an hour to walk back afterwards, whereupon the sun came (and remains) steadfastly out and blue skies abound, after two hours of pouring rain which even managed to wet through the £10 emergency taxi money I had stashed in my joggers in case I was unable to stagger the other 4k or so which would get me home from the Sea Life Centre. And to anybody who is interested, yes, I ran the whole way and never stopped once, and even managed a wave or two!
Joining in the semi-aquatic fundraising today were a Zumba club, assorted dogs in pink tutus (I have no idea whether dogs are exempted from the gender rule), several women jogging two-to-a-pushchair and lots of ladies in fairy wings and pink grass skirts – I settled for blessed relief that I chose capris to run in rather than my usual comfy sweatpants, which like every pair of full trousers I own are far too long although they would have at least aided other participants by soaking up all the standing water on the course, and then dragging along heavily behind me like that tiresome ex who hadn’t quite got the message. For those not familiar with the event, everybody gets an ‘I race for life for…‘ back sign to wear which can be dedicated to anyone they know and want to remember on the day; the rain did several of us another favour there since my glasses were such a mess I couldn’t read too many of these and there were plenty of other not-quite-dry eyes at the starting line. And we even got Free Stuff after (water, tea, biscuits, packs of Bodyform) so worth every soggy step.
The current Official Sponsorship Total is fast approaching £400, and special thanks to all of the extremely generous folk who have contributed so far! I have seven weeks to gather up as much as possible so all donations will still be gratefully received right up until after my London visit next month. For now, it’s sausage sandwich and hot bath time (sadly without Deep Heat, but I suspect my 3pm visitor will appreciate my not smelling like the rugby club changing rooms) and more than likely an early night. I hope to be able to move in the morning, but then I’ve always been an optimist…
May 8th, 2011 at 3:48 pm
Well done you!
You should feel proud of that, and rightfully so.
May 9th, 2011 at 7:45 am
Congratulations on the race Amy! Very well done.
I wish I had just a percentage of your energy… Keep on going, who knows, London Marathon next?
May 9th, 2011 at 10:25 pm
Well done Missus !! I’m having a go at the Glasgow race but will be lucky if I do it in under an hour lol xx
May 10th, 2011 at 1:08 pm
Ta everybody :D
I felt great about the time (especially considering the weather), but like an idiot I came home and looked up the record time for a 5k which took the wind out of the sails a bit haha. I won’t reveal what it is here but I’m sure Laura can get closer to it than me (especially since it sounds like she’s been practising).
It’s addictive too! I’m almost tempted to head along and do the Glasgow one myself – if I was in Inverness a couple of days longer I wouldn’t think twice.
May 17th, 2011 at 5:01 am
Good on you for participating I think it takes a lot of motivation to do it. It’s definitely not easy so be proud of what you have accomplished. Well done!
May 24th, 2011 at 8:11 am
That is such a good idea to dedicate it to someone you want to remember on the day. I guess it helps motivate people too.