the mid week update…
First and foremost, a quick line to reassure upcoming visitors that the boiler is now fixed (and obviously the weather has got warmer anyway) so any fears of chilled extremities can go out of the window – yay! I will naturally be looking forward to receiving the bill, considering it took all of thirty seconds to fix. Hey ho.
In other news, I am proud to say that I have today run the entire 5k required for the Race For Life in one go without stopping for walk-breaks, and my new Best Time is thirty-six minutes – yay again! The event is this coming Sunday morning, for those who didn’t know, and bar a couple of appointment slots left each on Friday and Saturday I am now entirely spoken for until Tuesday 10th. And anyone yet to sponsor me who wants to help, please do! Details of how to donate on my special Race For Life page (look up a bit, and to the right).
Finally, to That London. I will be back in the capital, first in my usual stomping ground Sarf Of The River (just), from the 15th- 19th of June*; fingers crossed for another room upgrade! Just for a change, and in the spirit of what we are supposed to call ‘touring’, I will be transferring up to Euston for the Saturday – Sunday lunchtime so all those in the NW1 vicinity (and who could never be bothered to trek all the way across town before), diaries out…
*Yes, there’s a Tube strike for a bit of it, which currently will affect some Underground trains on some of the days but not buses, mainline trains or taxis. Or walking, which I like (obviously not much help for those in Zones 2-9).