keep on running…
Before I do anything else, and bearing in mind I have an impromptu mad dash to That Sheffield tomorrow for a catch-up dalliance en route to my original destination of Coventry on Thursday (and have to pack!), I need to thank the people who have already sent Race For Life donations via Paypal since I put up my shiny new fundraising page on Sunday night – wow! Thank you all very much – nothing like getting off to a solid start (as I hope to do on the day itself, although I will admit to having less lofty aspersions for the finish).
A quick one this evening, since I have packing, fridge emptying (yay) and fish tidying to do, but there are still a couple of appointments left for Coventry on Friday and one on Thursday afternoon – I will be arriving bright-eyed and bushy tailed having picked up my original train at lunchtime in Sheffield rather than being forced growling from my warm duvet at the crack of dawn, so an energetic time is on the cards! Hopefully the beautiful weather will hold for the rest of the week, although since my hotel boasts not only a ‘fitness centre’ but also a spa and pool, such things are hardly crucial and provided that the sun emerges for my planned visit to Coventry’s cathedral on Saturday I will be a happy camper indeed.
The days since my return from That London have brought an exciting array of almost exclusively new callers for a change, armed with handmade chocolates, blush roses and last but not least, an array of multicoloured jellybeans in every conceivable flavour and most satisfyingly of all (at least for anyone with even the most embryonic of OCD tendencies) neatly sorted into little plastic pods. As I have learned this week from a website with running tips for beginners, the jelly baby is our new best friend – hopefully it’s petite and shiny-shelled cousin will prove to be likewise! The running has been going surprisingly well, particularly considering I spent the majority of the week before last either lying around my lovely hotel room watching TV or sitting in it eating cake, and the only real cardio activity I undertook in six days bar buying my wonderful shoes (above) was as a result of a broken escalator in Zara followed by a minor altercation in Topshop over a mock croc vanity case.
I will naturally be upping my training schedule for the three weeks left before the run itself on May 8th; once again all donations are gratefully received, although I don’t blame anybody for wanting to wait and see if I live to tell the tale first. Availability-wise, I will be around after my return for a good six weeks before heading off to Scotland, although a couple of cheeky overnight adventures spanning (nearly) the length and breadth of the land are in the offing and as ever, advance notice is the key as I have explained to several callers today (including one who asked if any ‘others’ were available ‘now’ – apparently I’m living in a knocking shop and I never even noticed) and if in doubt READ THE WEBSITE. Yes, the school holidays are back with a vengeance (and I thank God I don’t advertise an in-use number on Adultwork, or the last forty eight hours would more than likely have sent me heading for the roof).
Back in Scarborough on Monday! It’s a good job I’ve got a railcard, innit?