Firstly, may I add my voice to those of the other Nigella-appreciating ladies – having first noticed Claire‘s blog and then spotted a Girly Crush confession on Laura’s, I have to join in and state that there is nothing I too would like better than a lovely Nigella of my very own. Unfortunately, some things can’t be helped and since my one and only brief meeting with the lady herself at an exhibition preview a couple of years ago, our paths have sadly not crossed and no opportunities for kidnap seem to be on the horizon. Booooo.
I will content myself instead with my new Kindle – a treat for almost working myself into an early grave and not having a single proper day off ALL YEAR (ha). This wonderful gadget arrived today, already registered to my Amazon account and instantly usable without even much of an instruction book to carefully put to one side in case I couldn’t figure the thing out on my own, and in the (not entirely unlikely) event that I can both gather and read the three and a half thousand books it is able to hold I am sure that the new ‘experimental’ browser (and see above for some interesting monochrome) will keep me amused until a new toy appears on the horizon, or at least until I am next driven so much to distraction by florentines (and thank you again, bringer of the above-pictured) or sausage sandwiches I find I can manage without it.
This week has been scant let up after the organised chaos of the New Year, and I am only now able to plan a day off to relax and unwind a little – I have been somewhat overwhelmed by the numbers of keen visitors beating a path to my door (and I theirs, following a couple of rare hotel visits which have made for a nice change of scene and caused an almost audible sigh of relief from my long-suffering washing machine). Things do appear to be slowly settling down after all the excitement, and the annual few weeks relative calm which usually begins around the last week of this month will be especially welcome this year; without wishing to sound unbecomingly churlish and ungrateful, I am in definite need of a proper, phone-switched-off, sloth-style rest, and frankly, since I have now been complaining about my wallpaper-free hallway for (cough) over a year, it is probably about time that I got myself back into DIY Girl mode and spent at least a reasonable part of next month officially Cracking On With The Flat in time for the Spring. To this effect I will be taking a week off at some point towards the end of next month prior to my New York trip – details to be confirmed soon.
Back to the present though, and the gradually lightening nights and mild weather have brought a new and softer air to our peaceful little town after the Arctic conditions of the last few weeks and I am looking forward to my aforementioned lazy-time even more now that conditions are more agreeable for those who like to get out in the fresh air. Amongst other things, this will mean that I will be spending even less time confined to base and thus less still answering my work phone – I have not kept the voicemail facility enabled for months, since I never listen to the messages (I do find that the vast majority of callers have mistaken me for somebody else, namely someone who offers same day bookings with little warning at all hours of the day and night) and the genuine people know to just call back later anyway.
Having said all of this, I am inclined to agree that listening to an incessantly-ringing unanswered telephone is frustrating when calling, and in view of this I will be rearranging things so callers can soon expect an informative voice recording by way of acknowledgement and if (for whatever reason) the caller is not able to email, the best time to try again. I am aiming to get this organised over the weekend provided I have time, although I must emphasise that there will STILL be no point leaving a voice message. And all of this (like so many things) will mean nothing to Adultwork readers.
So to the coming week – I will be charging off to Sheffield, Kindle in hand on Monday for a rematch with a charming gentleman of recent acquaintance and am unlikely to be back much before, well, Tuesday. Official Birthday Celebratings will commence on Friday 21st and encompass the remainder of the weekend, so my work phone will be off altogether. The rest of the week, well, you know what to do!
January 15th, 2011 at 6:01 pm
kindle’s are brilliant. I love mine.
January 15th, 2011 at 6:22 pm
So do I – I can’t believe it took me this long to get one! The case with the little light is brill too (apart from that I was up until 4am reading it) and even the weird browser looks pretty sound, but I don’t know if they all have that. All I have to do is not break the bloody screen…
January 16th, 2011 at 1:26 pm
… ended up getting an iPad myself. Mind you it goes with already purchased Macbook, iPhone, MiniMac … next I’ll get the apple socks and undies!
January 16th, 2011 at 1:41 pm
Well I’ve managed to stay out of Apple’s open corporate prison so far – yay! I do have an ipod, but it was a present.
Being handcuffed to Amazon I can live with, even if I don’t really agree in principle – I was disappointed to find that you couldn’t swap and share books with other people when you’d read them though. Or can you? Anybody know?
January 16th, 2011 at 2:00 pm
… unlikely you can swap – they (amazon / apple / microsoft / nintendo / sony / whoever selling digital rights) do not want you to do this. They want your money.
Mind you .. there may be ways and means …
January 16th, 2011 at 2:09 pm
I know – I was furious when I first got the ipod and found that it wouldn’t play anything not bought on itunes, although that’s relaxed now so who knows?
I don’t do digital piracy any more than I would buy bootleg DVDS in the pub so I suppose I’m stuck with it, but at least there are always lots of things on Amazon I want! And a travel gadget won’t stop me buying proper dead-tree books which are as shareable as they have always been.
January 16th, 2011 at 2:36 pm
Agree completely. Heres to proper books and real CDs with pull-out booklets.
Mind you, amazon 1-click is the most dangerous shopping experience ever to hit my credit card. Just too tempting. And they sell just about everything now.
Right … back to Sunday afternoon Amazon temptation ….