merry christmas, peace on earth…
Since I have no doubt that everybody is busy (so much to do, so little time) I will keep my posting brief, but since I will be switching off my work phone this evening I would like to wish all my readers, fellow ladies, and punters old and new a very Merry Christmas and all the very best for the upcoming festive days; I consider myself very fortunate in that 2010 has been a wonderful year by and large, and hopefully in 2011 the trend will continue! By way of a further quick update, most readers will already be aware that Stephen Griffiths pleaded guilty to three charges of murder on Tuesday and was sentenced to the rest of his life in prison, if nothing else saving taxpayers some money and more importantly, the families of Susan Rushworth, Suzanne Blamires and Shelley Armitage in Bradford even more terrible trauma, heartache and upset in addition to that caused by his unspeakable acts. My thoughts will also be with them.
The week in brief: I have discovered the hardest Brazil nut in the world (see result at bottom left), eaten a vast Chinese dinner (although not quite up to the one I had with a charming gentleman in Elephant and Castle last week), a whole net of satsumas and half a box of After Eights, done all of my laundry and put it away (which those who know me will understand is a little miracle in itself) and watched at least 6 hours of Christmas television – in other words, starting as I mean to go on. The ongoing theme in my warm and well-stocked apartment is that of quiet, peaceful langour, and my interpretation of this includes an awful lot of eating, sleeping and minimal actual work; as I am beginning to tire of explaining, there will be no same day appointments and absolutely no short notice bookings. We all need a break, and I believe there are other ladies who will be providing services throughout the festive season for those in need of stress reduction and have no particular preference as to whom they see.
For those who do know what they want, my mobile will be back on on Monday morning and I will checking emails occasionally over the weekend, so anyone planning a New Year’s treat please do get in touch! My annual Winter Sale week will be back as usual from January 2nd to the 8th for those booking in advance, so hanging onto the pennies for a few extra days might not be a bad idea either…
In the meantime, Merry Christmas once again, and best wishes to all – I will look forward to catching up very soon xxx