it’s that time again…
A briefish interlude, since I am currently buried alive under holiday packing; huge comfortable knickers, undemanding paperbacks and most excitingly of all, I will be work phone free and computerless until my return next Tuesday. I will still have my trusty BlackBerry and be checking emails daily, but I aim to be gracefully persona non grata in every meaningful way until then, whereupon I will return from three days of decadent pampering and five star fuss relaxed, fragrant, and having been out of commission for a full four days, not a little lively-like. I almost pity the unsuspecting party who has booked for Wednesday morning…
This last week has been predictably busy, and the onslaught following my return from Leeds was virtually immediate – charming new callers aplenty and a welcome return to normality after the school holidays, but the resulting tiredness has left me extremely glad that my long awaited R&R is only twenty-four hours away. Some bits of me are gladder than than others, it has to be said, although the people who make Sudocrem will be happy, plus I have definitely got my share of extra exercise to make up for the coming days spent in the prone position, wallowing in a cosy dressing gown (the place does have a fabulous gym as longer-standing readers will remember from last year’s excursion, but whether I am tempted in or not will depend entirely on whether I can remain awake long enough after getting reacquainted with the comfy settees in the lounge room).
I have also been tying up various odds and ends including the ever more inventive content thieves, the most bizarre discovery being this very week and resulting, hilariously, in my being counter-accused by the protagonist of copying her, despite my site (complete with text) being archived in the Wayback Machine for over two years – when this was pointed out I was haughtily told that ‘lots’-of-sites-use-the-exact-same-text-actually. Funnily enough, Copyscape didn’t seem to be able to find them (and by all means run my Etiquette page through it, detail fans). I have good reason to suspect that the majority of the recent copycats originally discovered my site through SAAFE, and after some deliberation, I have decided to temporarily remove the link to see if it makes any difference – this does not make me happy, but neither does spending hour after hour chasing the hard-of-thinking and their hosting companies round in circles. Enough.
Jersey is, as tentatively predicted, looking extremely busy and after many enthusiastic and delightful enquiries things are starting to seriously fill up. I have also been arranging my next London visit, and dates will be posted in a week or so after I get back – I am planning another visit before Christmas and any free time will be spent eating pastries at Maison Berthaud, pottering around the London Aquarium and looking at the Christmas shop windows. If I don’t get chance in October, that is – and anyone who would like to accompany me is very welcome to offer! And needless to say, in the meantime I will be comfortably ensconced at home in Scarborough – the evenings are slowly starting to draw in, the heating is back on (albeit low), the visitors have mostly gone and the return to calm serenity in my little corner of the South side is palpable, and very welcome indeed.
But for now, the gently scented atmosphere and three gourmet meals a day of luxury spa life are beckoning. Back next week!
September 11th, 2010 at 11:18 am
Have a good break Amy and don’t spoil it answering emails, the world can wait a few days! Will see you soon ;)