normal service has been resumed…
Well, pretty much – bit croaky. As the couple of intrepid gents who visited yesterday will know, I am still a little on the wonky side and with an occasional cough like an elderly workhorse but on the plus side, half a stone lighter; the gym + plague combination has obviously been something of a winner, although not one that I suspect would sell many of the colourful softback books that comprise the cynical and overstuffed Diet and Fitness section of Waterstones (and I speak as someone who once solemnly purchased a guide to the GI Diet – in other words, I handed over £12.99 to be patiently told that in order to lose weight sensibly, it is probably best to do some exercise, switch to low fat foods and not to eat sausages, pizzas and lard). The new pictures are now on the site proper after a brief trial on AW where I care little what folk think, and have (fortunately) been very well received (see right for preview and marvel at what can be achieved with little more than a truckload of makeup and industrial level backcombing); I cannot say with any honesty that I have the energy left to take more quite yet, and these will do nicely by way of an update for now.
Today’s grand list of activities heralding my return to the land of the living have included a trip to the nail salon; they are fibreglass, believe it or not (and no-one ever does, but given the lengthy, varied and constant DIY jobs I am usually in the middle of it is the only possible way for my otherwise smooth and nicely long digits to look even remotely presentable), and a necessary visit to Rymans for printer cartridges after my generally-reliable-but-size-of-a-Volkswagen Hewlett Packard smugly turned up it’s nose at the own-brand pretenders I purchased from Tesco. False economy indeed, given that in order to save a paltry four quid I now have to traipse back and return the bloody things tomorrow, since today I couldn’t be bothered (naturally citing The Cold).
More excitingly this evening, an ambitious Power Yoga class, an hour of killer stretching, bending and posing which I am seriously hoping will not affect my ability to function tomorrow, greeting as I will be two more charming visitors who deserve better than Downward-Facing-Dog induced immobility, at least before they have even arrived. Fortunately my early T’ai Chi class ought to put paid to any creakiness, and having just prepared a two-whole-chilli, heavy on the ginger Thai seafood curry (by way of a final onslaught against lingering nasties) I fully expect to be sparklingly cold-free by the morning and hopefully, in the manner of New Year’s Eve, the school summer holidays and Big Brother, that’s it over and done with for another year (and I understand in the case of the latter, for good, although I suspect in terms of colds that may be too much to hope for). If they are reading this, I promise to leave the swimming until later in the day in order that the otherwise gentle and conducive atmosphere and mood not be overpowered by the lingering aroma of Pool.
On to the approaching weekend, and I will be floating around as usual – I do intend to be available daytimes if needed, but once again, NOTICE please. Good to be back though it is, I am not a drop in centre, my day is generally organised by 1pm at the latest, and I do not bend easily (especially after an hour of power yoga). For now, curry and TV time …
London almost fully booked….. one appointment left Thursday 19th and one on Friday 20th – that’s all folks!