y viva españa…
And the best team won, as did I; having successfully created ham croquettes, catalan spinach, chilli and garlic sauteed king prawns and most challenging of all, the opening and arranging on a plate of pre-sliced packets of charcuterie (3) and a jar of huge, green, feta-stuffed olives (veering slightly from the Iberian theme, but I am as fond of meze as I am of tapas and needless to say, virtually everything else edible that can be unwrapped without fuss and arranged prettily in a serving dish). The news yesterday that the English squad has had it’s poorest showing in World Cup history will come as a surprise only to those who were fortuate enough not to have witnessed the matches, and few among them at that – hopefully lessons will be learned in time for the European championships in 2012. In deference to the host countries I will be investigating Polish and Ukrainian cuisine in a timely manner, particularly since the former is now so widely available in Scarborough.
Anyway, I digress; to business and a brief update for this week and weekend. Due to unforeseen circumstances I will not now be available at all from Thursday 15th to Saturday 17th July inclusive – there may be limited availability on Sunday. Anyone wanting a Bristol appointment is advised to make contact before the weekend (I will be answering correspondence as usual on the days listed above, but will not be taking calls, so emails only please).
London is also filling up and preparation is underway for the next dates, those who have missed out this time (sorry) need not despair!
Back soon…