everything in moderation…
After the very enjoyable righteous indignation of last time, this week has found me far calmer and once again, extremely busy; our unwary new promotions recruit Ms Harman’s well-meaning diatribes are owed a great debt of thanks both by myself and the several gentlemen who recently discovered my website purely as a result of a nose through (the previously unknown-to-them) Punternet.
A fine time has been had by all and our heartfelt thanks go out to Harriet and her many lackeys who no doubt spend a fair proportion of their days Googling for press and thus may happen upon our collective gratitude, not to mention the truly staggering difference in website traffic helped in no small part by an (eloquent and more than slightly risqué) new review from a very determined caller who journeyed all the way from Birmingham and back to visit last week. Surely a contender for the new round-trip record, although a much adored gentleman’s impulse-drive from Blackpool to Dartford – via Sunday lunch chez moi – the summer before last will likely remain the trophy holder for a while yet, at least whilst fuel prices remain at their current level.
All in all, I am getting very used to being ensconced back at home for the next few weeks, and as both the leaves and the temperatures outside are rapidly turning, the mind turns to the types of pleasures we here are blessed with purely by virtue of living in a land with proper weather. The unpacking of knitwear and warm duvet, strolling along the Esplanade on the coldest and sunniest days, and hours spent nesting on the settee fantasising about crumble all beckon and the onset of winter cannot come fast enough for me – many of you know that this is far and away my favourite season, and I am happiest of all remaining here in Scarborough to enjoy it!
That said, I am already well underway in organising my next London visit; the location will be the delightful village of Pimlico (if for no reason other than to provide a handy blog title for when I return). Bookings are coming in even faster than usual, and I am looking forward to seeing some familiar faces – I also plan to take a trip on the London Eye now that the (oft-recommended) darkness is falling early in the day, as well as hopefully catch up with a few lovely ladies of my acquaintance. In related news, this last week I was absurdly flattered, and very proud to be asked to take up the post of Global Moderator on the SAAFE forum; Support and Advice for Escorts. The site has been running 5 years now and is a valuable resource for both new and experienced ladies, in addition to providing much-needed online space for us to moan, occasionally bicker and pass on vital tips regarding periods, bulk purchasing of condoms/hosiery and the very best ways to manage one’s advertising, persistent timewasters and unwanted body hair.
SAAFE also provides us with a platform to warn other ladies of less-than desirable visitors who are, whilst very much in the minority, part and parcel of our business – this has been brought sharply home to many of us recently with news of the murder last week of Andrea Waddell, a sex worker in Brighton. I do not wish to dwell on such dreadful events, suffice to say that a suspect has been apprehended and charged, but any opportunity we have to join forces and swap information is of paramount importance in this unfairly stigmatised and marginalised occupation, and for that reason alone it needs to exist and flourish so that it may be available to as many of us as possible. For ladies who may be reading this, there is a link over to the right – come and have a look!
As far as availability goes over the next couple of weeks; as some have seen for themselves, the new bathroom is coming along nicely, and whilst weekends are still likely to be out of bounds, the weekdays are settling back to normal albeit with slightly more dust than before. However, the usual contacting-rules still apply – I am having something of a resurgence in gentlemen ringing with no knowledge of my fees or services and expecting me to be available virtually there and then (not in any small part thanks to my mobile number featuring unbeknownst to me in some utterly revolting ‘swinging’ magazine, which is frankly about as relevant to my business as asphalt spreading, and considerably less appealing as a way of passing the time). I do know that the people who do this are also the people who are least likely to be reading these lines, but just in case, PLEASE read the website before calling. I really don’t mean to offend, but…
October 29th, 2009 at 9:08 am
Just wanted to back up your SAAFE bit in your blog Amy!
Long may it continue to flourish and grow.
Harriet Harman has also made life much better around here! A lot more interest, a lot more publicity for me and a lot more startled Gents realising the world of pleasure exists afterall. And it’s actually, rather nice! Could that woman have given us a better leg up? A Hrriet Harman appreciation Society perhaps?
Happy to see your out of the woods and back in the warmth of your home for the recent photos! Bit chilly to be out there lolling around with the logs!
Keep up the good work!