the final destination (this week, at least)
Having barely had time to turn around following my later-than-planned return from London (thanks to not entirely accidentally missing the last off-peak afternoon train and thus being stranded until the recommencement at 7pm, and subsequently getting home at midnight), I am today packing and preparing for my much anticipated R & R trip to Champneys tomorrow.
The houseplants are watered, rubbish is taken out (why is such a small job always one which gets put off for days on end?) and I have spent a pleasant couple of hours creating ipod playlists (currently ‘Less Popular Beatles Songs’ and selecting DVDs for evening viewing (although as these have so far included at least one zombie-themed horror film as well as my usual old favourite TV box sets, relaxing is possibly not the strictly correct term).
As ever, a lively and fun packed trip to the capital, naturally including some delightful company both reassuringly familiar and excitingly new! And not a single badly behaved visitor amongst them, which as you may remember is an improvement on the last occasion and each encounter cheered me up no end (as did an impromptu evening out with the lovely Evie, which involved a big Greek dinner, several drinks, lots of gossip and a relaxing stroll back from Soho at 4am). For my part, I spent the following day (after checking out and jettisoning my giant suitcase at the King’s Cross Left Luggage) meeting another lady friend for coffee and cake at the Hummingbird Bakery before collecting my painting from the Royal Academy and staying to see the soon-to-end JW Waterhouse exhibition, leading to the aforementioned train-missing; I’m afraid that even at my most determined and resourceful, I cannot get from Piccadilly to King’s Cross in ten minutes.
By way of pleasant distraction I spent the intervening time before the evening trains aimlessly but enjoyably meandering around London (which I do not often have time for), had lunch, watched a puppet show in Covent Garden and redressed the cultural balance by taking myself to see The Final Destination in 3D; an exciting prospect indeed as I have never seen a 3D film before, and the slightly panicky, jumpy demeanour which inevitably accompanies any attempt to function after two hours sleep lent the film a definite extra edge. The whole experience left me thoroughly entertained, as well as compelled to maintain my long held view that any situation where power tools (particularly the endlessly fascinating and almost entirely useless nail gun), liquids (spanning flammable and corrosive, as well the seemingly-innocent water) bladed objects and live electricals are within metres of each other, is probably best avoided, although the fictional shenanigans of FD will certainly add a frisson to my next trip to B&Q.
This trip is likely to be sooner rather than later; as some of you will know, the builders will shortly be back and work begins next Saturday following my return; the result will be a nice new bathroom, but also alas, very limited incall availability for the following week and any daytime opportunities are very unlikely. I will be answering telephone enquiries as best I can, but obviously I am likely to be overheard and once again I must implore potential visitors to contact me by email – my mobile will be switched off virtually all of this week until Friday whilst I am away, so an ideal opportunity for practicing! I do intend to check messages and will certainly answer emails as promptly as is practicable during a week of warm mud covered and seaweed-wrapped languishing, but please have patience – and the results will be worth it…
I am off to finish my packing – it is unusual indeed to be filling a suitcase with soft and comfortable clothing rather than my regular apparel! As Autumn (my favourite season) is now clearly here, I am planning (amongst others) some more outdoor photos in the near future – the current alfresco set have been extremely popular and I will be certain to find another picturesque location. Wave if you see me!