stop press…
After a quieter-then-usual last week (first week of school holidays and no less than FOUR cancellations, although I imagine that these hurt my poor prospective visitors even more so than I, and happily three gentlemen have already rebooked), I was by the weekend twiddling my thumbs (although I now no longer have a mending pile and my accounts are almost Teutonically organised and up-to-date!)
I cannot deny that I was feeling a little sad and unloved, and thus was thrilled upon returning home the other day to find an email containing the delightful attachment reproduced on the right; a talented gentleman indeed (although it is fifteen years since I was 21, and the idea of living through it again leaves me colder than Platform Two at York railway station, which as everyone local-ish knows is the coldest place in England, or at least when I have ever been forced to wait there).
Needless to say I am absurdly flattered at being a muse, even for a short while and am very much looking forward to meeting the protagonist later in the week; likewise some other charming new visitors now that the horrors of the ‘first holiday week’ are over with and normal service, in as much as it ever is, can and has been resumed forthwith. As you know, I will be away from Saturday until Thursday next week, and there are very few appointments left in Scarborough this week, but if absence make the heart grow fonder there is surely a chance that it may have a similar effect on the other relevant parts, and I will be back here to help test the theory during the following couple of weeks before my visit to the delightful city of Nottingham at the end of August.
Observant readers may also have noticed a couple of additions to my links; Tax for Saints and Sinners, and An Anthology of English Pros – valuable and informative reads both; I plan to add to this section more regularly, and any suggestions for suitable contributions would be very welcome! In similar spirit to the latter (and of which more in the coming weeks as the House of Lords returns from it’s recess in October and the Policing and Crime Bill continues it’s expensive and pointless journey towards being debated, amended, resubmitted and hopefully dumped altogether), there is happily this week some balanced and considered research concerning migrant sex workers from Dr Nick Mai at the London Metropolitan University.
Speaking personally (and yes, probably naïvely) I do not believe it should really require a lengthy study to find that voluntary sex work can provide foreign nationals with a comfortable and dignified standard of living whilst in the UK (plus the opportunity to provide similar for dependents remaining in their countries of origin) but sadly it seems that it does. Nick’s final report is due to be published in October, and will potentially be yet another coffin nail in the aforementioned legislation; I for one would rather police resources were utilised for those who are genuinely exploited and enslaved, and I am fairly sure that the real trafficked workers currently picking strawberries, packing food and stitching cheap, tacky clothing for the high street in dreadful conditions (not to mention the, duh, not earning £100+ per hour) would be inclined to concur. We shall await developments.
As ever, busy busy. I have some availability for London left, mainly in the evenings but occasional interludes during the day – please do get in touch for details! New bathroom likely to be mid-August – please be aware and try to give me as much notice as possible to avoid disappointment; there will be no daytime incalls during the work, but for those who haven’t noticed it, our spanking-new Travellodge is up and running, and I may well arrange an incall day there for a change if demand, well you know, demands. Watch this space!

July 29th, 2009 at 6:02 am
How lovely to arrive at somebody’s blog and find a blog praising one’s own blog! Somebody arrived at mine through your link today (maybe you?). Anyway, I shall add you to my blogroll pdq!
See you know Catherine Stevens, then (who played a major part in getting me into this sex workers’ rights stuff – or at least, further into it!) Any friend of Catherine’s is a friend of mine (though I never knew she was a dungeon dominatrix – we’ve only met through the web).
Best wishes with your blog, Amy, I’ll try + return + comment from time to time, at the moment I’m trying to get some rest after a marathon of a blog entry on sex work, trafficking and the Olympics.
August 20th, 2009 at 7:57 pm
You said ‘prostitute’ and I loved that! I say it for me too. xxx D