in the red
Well, I amĀ pleased and proud to announce that the seemingly neverending battle with lights, wasps and the oft-cruel self timer have finally produced my lovely new Gallery; a week has been spent cropping, resizing, relighting and otherwise spit-and-polishing my new pictures and the results can be seen over on the main site as of last Sunday evening!
I will also be able to chop and change pictures as the mood suits, as my lovely website lady has kindly produced a simple (imperative, as my impatience and downright uselessness with all things computer-related is in no way improving with time) but more than effective uploader, so it should be well worth paying regular visits!
I have had several kind comments already regarding my efforts (aboutĀ my outdoor pictures in particular) and am planning more; it is heartening to know that others appreciate an understated and natural image and has also saved me some considerable time in dressing for appointments; the current warm weather is all very pleasant, but makes a fully-stockinged, corsetted and heeled assignation undeniably something of a trial, even with a window open. As I write, the earlier bright sun has been gradually replaced by a more overcast and muggy aspect and as I had planned to go out on errands in an hour or so, I have good reason to believe that thunder, lightening and torrential rain may be in the offing in, oh, an hour or so…
Preparations for the next phase in turning my fast-improving pied a terre into the type of luxurious bachelorette pad that unimaginative website blurb is made of, are in the pipeline once again, and my ironic-to-those-not-having-to-live-with-it green bathroom is to be next in the firing line. I am planning a complete redesign and refurbishment, which is likely to mean at least a week without daytime appointments, although evenings will not be affected – it is early days yet but I will post likely dates as soon as I know! The month of August is likely to be difficult indeed availability-wise, I will be at home between the 7th and 24th inclusive, but depending on the finer details of my looming tax bill, am almost certainly going to be limited in terms of appointments and instead I expect to be once again cleaning dust out of every corner, making builders tea and scouring the place for any difficult items that can go in the long-awaited and much anticipated skip.
London availability fast disappearing – book now! As far as local news goes, I am selfishly looking forward to the cricket festival next week, not least because it tends to result in some delightful company for me, and moreover softens the blow of the school holidays, a notoriously quiet time for many ladies although with the number of foreign holidays booked supposedly significantly lower than usual, Scarborough itself may well benefit a great deal in terms of visitors and I (like many others) will be watching with interest to see whether this turns out to be the case. Will keep you posted!