amy vergnés is in Paris – vol II
I hate to gloat (it is so very unbecoming, after all), but having spent a blissful morning food shopping, and the afternoon enjoying the spectacular Kandinsky exhibition at the Centre Georges Pompidou (prior to a dinner I feel embarrassed to describe in detail and am still recovering from, and which has lain waste to my plans of a trip out to see the new Terminator film this evening with a view to redressing the cultural balance) I am feeling very content and not a little smug.
Despite forecasts to the contrary, Paris is basking in warm June sun, for the time being at least, and whilst I am pinning my hopes on the situation remaining I am also resigned to the idea that the thunderstorms which inexorably follow such delightful weather will be saving themselves patiently but no less vindictively for Wednesday evening, when I have a ticket for Rigoletto at the Open Air Opera (fortunately, being British, I have sensibly packed my umbrella and cagoule as well as my sunglasses).
Tomorrow being the first Sunday of the month, many of the main galleries are free to all, and I am planning my itinerary carefully – my favourite of all is the Musée d’Orsay, but I have learned from experience that the crowds gather early, and a more realistic scenario will be to forget it and wait until Monday when there is less likelihood of being squashed, bumped and due to my stature, beaten about the face by rucksacks (I have never understood why Americans keep these cumbersome objects on whilst indoors, and have always suspected that they may be discreetly counter-weighted in order to keep the wearer upright).
Indeed, a trip to Notre Dame for Mass may be altogether the safer option, followed by a trip to La Grand Épicerie on the left bank, which would be in the upper reaches of my list of favourite places in the world (to the extent that my first visit lasted only about a minute and a half, before the realisation that I may well weep with joy prompted a very swift exit to prepare mentally for another try). I now have it down to a fine art and can shop all departments with stoic impunity, unfortunately for both my weight and my purse; on the other hand, one valuable lesson I have learned over the years is that when on holiday it is as well not to worry about either, not least because it makes one incredibly wearing and tedious company, even if it is only for oneself.
Further updates will follow where possible, but as the Wi-fi in my charming studio flat has turned out to be temperamental in the Elton John-esque extreme, I will quickly thank the well-organised and thoughtful gentlemen who have kindly sent emails as requested, and enabled me to plan my diary for my return – it is looking like a very busy week and please note that I am away again from Wednesday 24th. I am still taking bookings for my London visit but there is very little availability left, and most of that is on the Friday – please do mail me for details! For the moment, however, I must say au revoir from the City of Lights – and please all wish me bon chance with the rucksack brigade…..