After the resounding success of my appeal for would-be tilers in my last ramble, I can report that the job is complete! Thus, to all those who are still emailing – your kindness is very much appreciated but I am now fully tiled and am turning my attentions to the equally tedious and depressing job of wallpapering.
I have walls to make good, line and paper, and whilst I should like to think that my enthusiastic attempts at plastering have helped matters along a little, the reverse is equally likely and I am now offering a free hour each for the preparation, and also for the papering itself. Materials and refreshents all provided (unless you have an exciting trade secret I am not likely to know about). Why didn’t I think of this before?
The tradition of barter is one which interests me and one of which many of us avail ourselves during more frugal times – in recent months I have heard from visitors and fellow ladies about trades of decorating, plumbing and electrical work as well as actual goods – about half an allotments-worth (by the sound of things) of fresh vegetables being one I particularly coveted as well as a new (unwanted by its owner) kitchen table and chairs. Brief research even shows that sales via barter exchange are considered taxable revenue in the US – not so here, as far as I can tell at least. That one’s for you, Mr Darling.
Preparations are going full steam ahead for my trip to London and despite it being two months away, availability is disappearing fast – special mention must go to the charming gentleman who recommended my lovely hotel upon booking and I will be enjoying the pool, spa and sauna facilities whenever I have the opportunity. I am assured that it is not only pleasant, well located and discretion personified, there are none of the insidious keycard-operated lifts that are becoming the scourge of hotel visits (and not only in London). At least one dull, tiresome, yet convincingly paranoid phone call (obviously in the name of checking room security) is required per location, and this grates considerably – surely having CCTV everywhere bar the rooms themselves (and nothing would surprise me) is enough?
This coming week it seems I am to be kept busy again; I have some availability left on Monday and Tuesday but little else, I’m afraid! I should also mention (again) that it is vitally important to confirm appointments and retain contact if you are running late, as I found today when a caller arrived half an hour late without bothering to let me know (and fifteen minutes after I had given up waiting) – if you really want to see me in my mangy decorating jeans that badly, please just make it part of your booking enquiry!
Don’t forget, would be decorators – your turn this week! Usual contact methods apply…