in with the (sort of) new!
I have decided this week that given the necessity of staying close to home to prepare for my impending house move, to give my website an overhaul, albeit a gentle and discreet one! For those of you who have not looked recently, I have altered my gallery of photos slightly and added a Frequently Asked Questions section, to hopefully aid those keen to find out the same commonly-requested information – I am generally blessed with the patience of a saint (and always happy to answer a well intentioned enquiry) but I am beginning to feel slightly sorry for the ninth person of the day who asks the same unanswerable question (current favourite: ‘Can I have some details?’, with ‘When are you available?’ running a close second). I fervently hope that my hard work will help some of you gentlemen without the time to read through the rest of my ramblings – some so eager that they telephone me immediately without even noting my age, height, hair colour or inexplicably, my location!
My foray into the hitherto unknown world of DIY continues; I have learned this week that there are many different kinds of sandpaper, that elderly electric storage heaters have an atomic mass of 207.2 (equalling lead), and that I actually only enjoy stripping in a non-wallpaper context. Although generally accomplished when it comes to using my hands, I am not naturally practical and following a particularly exciting roleplay encounter this week, whereupon I had ample opportunity to practice helplessly grovelling on the floor, whimpering and begging for mercy, I may well decide to use my new-found acting skill to simply convince more able others to do it all for me (or failing that, offer money).
I expect to be moving on or around the end of the month – please do contact me if you would like further details! I am looking forward to entertaining at my new apartment (although regular readers will be aware that I have been looking forward to this since April!) and have not forgotten there are some waiting with baited breath to find out when they can finally see what all the fuss was about – please do not get your hopes up; whilst beautiful, comfortable and opulent surroundings are very much my eventual plan, our new meeting place is very much a work in progress and diplomancy may be needed! If you find quirkiness and slightly faded (OK, downright dishevelled) elegance charming then you will certainly feel welcome – if not, frankly, you probably shouldn’t be coming to see me in the first place!