home is where the…
Another pleasant week at home after the breathless crosscountry dashing of last weekend! I have received some especially charming new friends this last few days, many even bearing gifts (and at least two who I believe would have been happy to take my much-prized Tom Waits ticket off my hands). It turns out that these sold out in half an hour, many being left frustrated and disappointed, which in my opinion is very bad manners. As you know, I always enjoy entertaining like-minded people, and fortunately am often delighted to discover that my callers are envisaging a very similar scenario to myself upon our meeting!
I have also had the opportunity to visit and view my lovely new apartment again – the urge to purchase en masse is kicking in with a vengeance and I have seen plenty of exquisite and impractically beautiful items to delight both myself and my visitors, although from a practical point of view, apart from hovering buzzard-like over a beautiful chandelier on Ebay and halfheartedly gathering some wallpaper samples and paint-colour booklets I seem to lack the motivation to do anything really useful, especially being STILL without a moving date. Perhaps adopting the uniform of T-shirt, trainers & tracksuit bottoms (de rigeur in the local superstores and DIY places; face like a smacked a**e optional, although from what I have seen, a popular accessory) would help me get into the spirit of things. The current kitchen especially is horrendous and is my first priority after my visiting areas – I can’t possibly eat out every night of the week! I have so far seen a sink I quite like and got no further; fortunately a gentleman friend who is extremely knowledgable about such things has been particularly gallant in his offers of help and assistance, and in fact has made many interesting suggestions which I am looking forward to exploring further (time and occasion permitting).
My worries about the moving of large items of furniture have also been somewhat allayed by the discovery of a large trap-door leading to the basement suite where I will be conducting my meetings – an exciting find indeed! Although fit (and very energetic) I am not particularly strong and the thought of trying to convey a kingsize bed and mattress down a spiral staircase was playing on my mind somewhat; now I find, as with so many situations, a firm grip and strong length of rope is likely to solve most problems. This afternoon I will be bagging up unwanted items for the charity shop – I am being as ruthless as possible, although some of my livelier garments will probably not be appreciated by the lovely ladies at MIND as much as others – these unfortunately will have to be binned unless anyone else would like them (do let me know!) As regards the move itself I have decided that instead of niggling about slowness and lack of progression, I ought really to be appreciating the chance to stop and take a breather before all the real action starts, as is so often necessary (especially during the warmer months). When I do eventually have a date, I promise you will be the first to know; after all, someone has to be my first houseguest!