sunshine on a rainy day
Until today I was beginning to think the oft-discussed credit crunch may finally have hit! A quiet and relaxing week indeed, not helped by a long and unnecessary trip to Heathrow on Wednesday for what eventually appeared to be not only a set-up, but one with particularly unpleasant possibilities; I am thus proud to be able to add another useful skill to my repetoire, namely legging it across a tube station footbridge in 4 inch heels. It seems that no matter what my previous belief, I am ashamed to realise that I am just as susceptible to blatant flattery (and the promise of ridiculous sums of money) as anyone else (particularly anyone else who has just agreed the purchase of a large and grand apartment in a nice part of town!) However I have also, pleasingly, learnt that I have the insight and common sense to leave a potentially dangerous situation when the need arises – both of these are valuable lessons and well worth a wild goose chase and a couple of rail tickets (which are tax-deductible after all!)
Within 24 hours of my return, I find a barrage of emails and phone calls which have almost filled my diary for the upcoming week already! The good weather seems to have worked it’s magic on the collective mood and I am excitedly (& discreetly) scouting alfresco locations for a particular liason – any local suggestions gratefully received (but not the beach, which is damp, uncomfortable and makes you smell funny.) Privacy notwithstanding, the sensation of warm sun on skin is always a welcome addition to an encounter, and being without a garden will not be standing in my way! Wine, comfy blanket and a steady supply of Piriton (other antihistamines are available) will be the order of the day, although obviously, however meticulously organised one is, rain of one sort or another (drizzle, shower, monsoon) is a certainty. This is an English summer after all; oh well, the best laid plans…..